Upon closer inspection, we discovered that this is a special toad. A handicap toad who has either run into some mishap along the way in its early life or was born with it's deformity. It is almost like a dislocated yet moveable shoulder and pinched nerves but looking at the "fingers" in comparison to the others leads me to believe an early life mishap is the case.

It's arm is able to move at its connection to its body but not bend. It has grown to a nice size for a toad, so apparently it does not hinder a toads way of life. I wonder how it happened, When it happened, or what was the cause of it if not from a mishap?

The ducklings have been introduced to their first tub of water. Hubby thought it may be amusing to use a clear shallow tupperware container and place small minnows in it to see if they will "catch them". Yep, just some good ol' country entertainment folks. LOL. Actually, I think it would be very amusing for the children to see what ducks are doing under water when they go bottoms up.
I have been on the lookout for some willow branches to use in an upcoming project. I found this great book from the library about projects for each season. Lots of nice stuff in there but cannot remember the title and author at this moment. We have also been collecting the little "baby" feathers from the chickens. We are going to use them with a single glass bead per feather to decorate a light airy curtain for my kitchen window and dining room. Another project idea from the book. Lots of modern cottage style stuff in there. Maybe I will do a tutorial with the willow star wreath on here- if I can find someone willing to let me trim their tree...
I love earthy projects and that book was full of them!
Our turken roo is huge! He has a mild personality so far and just as with the Captain, I have only caught glances of his advances towards the hens. Actually, it has only been once and Honey-1 of the 2 young americauna's- was so distraught by his attempt, he quickly let her be. I do beleive he will be a gentle giant & he will have a home here as long as he remains that way.

As you can see above, the golden comet (Fletcher) is standing next to him and he towers her! Up front in the lens is ourl Mrs. Turken. I hope to have some little turkens running around next year in the spring- The 2 turkens will seperate once again from the Captains harem in early spring along with 2 young americauna hens. It is raining now, so I best secure the animals for the night.
Sweet dreams.....
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