Once we got into Barnesville, we were in the middle of the excitment buzzing in town. Pumpkin everything everywhere! There were vendors of all kinds including a broom maker, there were lawn chairs lining the street in anticipation of the big Parade and jay walkers not caring about the traffic crossing the busy streets. (we are all guilty of that one at some point in our lives).

After we made way through town and made our last turn onto the street that leads to Journey's End Jerseys A.K.A Morning Mist Nubians, I got my first "are we there yet"?
Dear Roseanna met us by the barn drive and helped unload the girls. As soon as Chia's feet hit the ground she squatted for a much needed potty break. Roseanna said Chia was not as old as she previously thought. She is not pure saanen either- possiblly a little spanish in her. I did not know- but thats why I like talking with her. I learn alot from our interactions. She was so thoughtful & gave me a bar of homemade goats milk soap from her first batch she has made. I cant wait to use it. Tonight I am locking myself away after the kids are sleeping so i can indulge in a hot bath and use my much appreciated bar of goats milk soap. I have not tried it before so this is a treat!

After the girls were put in their temporary holding pen, Roseanna walked us (Panda, lil' man & I) down to visit the herd. WOW! Those babies got big! My Cleo is not as big as the Dam raised babies at this point, but hopefully by next summer she will have caught up in size.
She has so many beautiful goats. So many colors and patterns. Lil' man & Panda could not get the concept if you stand still the goats will come to you but if you go after them the will run. And run they did! Poor girls....
I got to meet "The Boys" too. Rudy, who will be Cleo's boyfriend fo the week, has a beautiful face. I think it will be a wonderful pairing. Roseanna said he throws his long ears and is naturaly polled too. Big smile on my face.
I also got to meet the infamous William- Chia's bo for the week. Such a sweet guy. I think he is handsome too despite his being in rut. I am sure Chia will be happy to meet him and hopefully both girls come home this weekend pregnant. If you can make it ovet over, do check out the boys on their link I gave above. Goliath was our follower during the visit and was very amusing when he came up to meet the girls. Cleo is rather shy when it came to him but Chia had no problem rubbing heads.
I met Mr. Rockwell- Roseanna's father while I was there. What a nice guy! He has so much energy -seems like he is always building stuff-and such kind eyes. He was so nice to the kids and I. Even made Panda a crown from a pretty and wonderful scented flower vine. The name escapes me, but here she is wearing some of it- the flowers have wilted. I will make sure I bring her along next weekend when we pick up Cleo & Chia. She spoke about the visit and asked lots of questions on the trip home. I even got the "but mom, how do goats really mate"? ummm... do you want a reeses cup sweetie?
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