Hope all had an enjoyable labor day weekend. Fall's chill is creeping in and I am excited to start on Panda's Mother Nature- GreenLady costume. Found the perfect illusional green material with a black underside. Her gown will be made of the green side and her hooded cloak will be of the black side and then lined with some sort of fur. The gown will be like a renaissance princess cut, but tailored more Earthy. She will wear an acorn braclet and a mask made of oak leaves which will be preserved first in the glycerine method for pliablity. I love Halloween! I love even more making costumes for it. The children get to dress up during the day at school, so I try to make costumes she would be proud to wear. It is my favorite time of year. My husband wants lil' man to be a cowboy. Sounds good and easy to me! Frog will be a forest magical wee person complete with a hooded cloak. Not sure what material to use yet- maybe something tan or green colored and lined with fur too. I will of course wear my gown which was sewn years ago and worn for many events. I put alot of hard work into it and need to touch it up some, but love the end results of a first "gown" to be made by me. The hem is fraying, the back buttons need redone and the sleeve lining needs sewn more secure since I did not have enough to sew with the whole sleeve- it ends just before it gets to the shoulder, but only the person wearing it would know.

The fabric is heavy weight material but is silky black & embroidered with a gold yellow cotton which makes it perfect for the fall nights. It is reversible too!

As you can see above, the middle panel is different from the sides. The back sides are opposite of the front. I think it has an evil stepmother queen look to it if you wear the right accessories- which carrying around a basket of red apples emphasis. I cannot locate my digital picture of me wearing this one halloween~ (made it when I worked at the YMCA - stop laughing, its the truth- as an after school counselor, kindergarten enrichment teacher and a summer Camp counselor. No beliefs were taught- it was religion free as you wanted or you could throw in Faith but mine was always about respecting Nature).
So, this year Panda gets another gown made and hopefully this one will last a few years like her last one.
Lil' man gets a cowboy hat chaps and vest, while frog gets her first hooded cloak like her big sister.
Lots of sewing to be done...
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