I brought 5 of the hens who never bothered to read the rules where you should start laying around 5 months. They were almost 8 months and yes- they were hens. We also took Shakespeare down in the hopes we could find a jersey wooly for Casperilla. No dice. Instead, I got a friend for Daisy, her breed- a spotted rex. Meet "Root beer shake" as named by lil' man.

Root beer shake is adjusting well but it is obvious he was not handled much. we will see if we get any babies from this pairing. Daisy seems to like him better then Shakespeare too.
~ Lil man found a white mushroom growing under the pine trees out back and came rushing over to tell me the fairies built another house.
During his inspection, the stem came off and we had a closer look to the inside.

I have told the children that when they see mushrooms in the yard, they are fairy houses popping up, so they need to leave them be as to not upset the fairies. I guess this one he could not help but touch.
What kind is it? I do not know. If only I had a mushroom man handy....

Of course, 2 patches of this kind popped up in the pen pictured here (behind "Bonnie & Clyde"). ~Yep it is a male and female pair. Male muscovy's are much larger then the females starting around 3 weeks but up to 3 months according to my online investigation. I still carry them into the garage at night and they still nuzzle into my neck. Their feathers are so smooth and soft. I love how they make these little faint squeek noises as they rub the tops of their heads under my chin. Such sweeties. I only hope they remain that way.
~ The date for picking up Cleo & Chia is the 21st. I have a shed being delivered this week given to me by a freecycler. A nice and sturdy shed at that. It has a few windows and a small loft area that can hold a few bales of straw or some tack. It will need a new paint job and will replace the old chicken coop. The old infamous sunshine face painted one. I will put the chickens in the old goat house. Alot of rearranging is to be done this week.
~ I am in the middle of covering up our old couch. we bought this set when Panda was a year old. We have learned an important lesson when it comes to furniture and children. One. Those no spill sippy cups can still stain your furniture despite the packagings claim for no spills. Two being do not buy nice furniture when the kids are young and expect it to stay that way and get you through at least a decade of use. Aint going to happen honey.
Our couch and loveseat are still "sound" just not very pretty anymore. I have resorted to covering them up with blankets and sheets. Not very pretty and reminded me of those college campus houses I use to visit friends in. Anyway, I have been making recycled jean denim covered replacements for the seat cushions and large square patchwork of various pieces for the back pillows. I will sew a slip cover for the couch base with an old queen size sheet. So far the results are good. Much better then the way it looked before. It was so bad, that the shampooer couldnt help -despite its every 3 months use. As soon as it is done, I will share my crazy furniture project that has been bumped to the top of the list for sewing projects.
~ Spinning grandma, I promise as soon as I can take some detailed pictures this week, i will send you a how to on the star wreaths. Very easy once you see it done once. I have not forgot about your request.
~Phelan, It turns out they sold 1400 of the blueberry tress and have now listed with a realtor who has upped their price by alot. I guess I should just be content with dreaming for awhile longer. When it is the one, then it will be possible. Problem is I have no patience anymore...
~Thank you all for your well wishes for our anniversary. It does not feel like we have been together almost a decade... The time does fly.
I will try to blog more this month. I have been so busy lately. Fall and Spring seem to bring the most work for me.
Sweet dreams...
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