

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

A peek at the freshly painted....

Goat Cabin/ Chicken chalet!
Apple tree is in bloom and the pen has been moved/replaced. An improvement I assure you. Now all that is left to do is landscape the dirt area by my new gate. An actual hinged gate I made from dog ear planks and scrap lumber.
I attended a livestock auction today in the hopes I would bring home a silkie hen. I really would like to hatch out some turken eggs. With no incubator here or with anyone I know, A broody silkie is best bet. But of course on the day I go on my search, others have their eye on the ONE single silkie hen in the auction. She sold for over $15- and not to me. (normal is under $5) I will not pay that high of a price for a single chicken at an auction. So I had my eyes on the americauna chicks- which ended in a price of over $3 per chick w/ 15 per box-2 box's- AT AN AUCTION! come on now people. Why would you pay that price when you can pay the exact same amount for twice as many chicks from the hatchery and they deliver to your post office within a few weeks max. White leghorn chicks went for anywhere of 50 cents to $1.25 each. Just not my lucky day at the auction house. I did see some very tempting wethers for Lady Chia. I cant help but feel guilty she is alone- despite her better moods since she has been by herself. Maybe a wether, she would be happy with- just not other doe's. I will see what comes through in a few weeks on my return trip down.
Had to stop at the local plant nursery. Every seed I started became target of dirt play for Frog and Lil' man. I gave up & gave in. Picked up 3 different tomato varieties, yellow and green squash, cauliflower, broccoli, watermelon, eggplant, 4 different peppers to pickle and to stuff, thyme, peppermint and sweet white onions. I will try to start some of my black cherry tomato and striped cavern tomato seeds in the hopes to at least get an amount to make green tomato chutney (YUM!) plus save seeds for next years garden.
Tommorow will be in the mid 60's F so I will get the plants in and start the lazy mans potato bed- if its not too late. i will have to double check that with Phelan. I read of this from her blog and have been dying to try it out. I am off to shower the livestock smell from my hair and the dirt that has clung to my bare arms. Then a wonderful cup of fruity tea and watch LOST! (Its the only time I watch T.V.)
Sweet dreams, Tammie


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