"Completely seedless red fruit has a pleasant tang, tender skin and plenty of juice. Ripens late Aug. through Sept. Candice Red Seedless tolerates subzero cold
Versatile and fast growing, a grapevine can bear in just 2 years. One vine requires about 8 ft. of trellis or fence, with each plant producing on average about 15 lbs. of fruit per year. All grapes are self-pollinating."
I was so excited to be chosen as a lucky recipient of the grape starts. There were 6 in the cup. All nicely intact and ready for transplanting. I have desired to grow grapes here but they seemed to never grow from the vines I have purchased from the stores. Not surprised since only 1 out 6 blackberry/raspberry/blueberry vines/trees I have purchased survived. This is its 2nd spring/summer and still is less then 6 inches tall. Lots of leaves, but no height.

We decided I would put 2 each of the grape startings in 3 different spots around the yard.Different soil conditions and locations to see which they do best in( and that way if a few die, I still have the others). 2 up by the veggie garden on the hill, 2 by the sunflower garden, and 2 by the front steps next to my heirloom roses. Those were put there so I can hopefully move them with us when the house sells. Thank you fellow Freecycler! Now I just need the captain to help with a grape arbor....
Look what we saw walking the country roads with their 6 babies:

We are all still very sad and missing Dawg. I still tear up thinking of him and have to leave the room so no one sees me cry. It still hurts that he has passed on and left a void in our lives. When the children are putting on their plays or dancing for us by his grave stone, I cant help but picture him hopping right in the middle. Fluffy white tail wagging, pink tongue off to the side of his mouth and doing his little paw in the air give me a treat dance.
I share this with you because The Captain has asked if he can get another dog. Lil' Man asked that same question everyday since it happened. While at the hatchery, there was a sign up that an Amish boy posted of his pug/toy fox terrier puppies for sale. So The captain wanted to "just see". Put the long story short, he really liked them but they were not ready yet. Wont be until June 11th. The boy said he was thinking $100- choice of male or female. I've never paid for a dog- EVER! Thats alot of money to me for a mixed breed. But the Captain has brought those puppies up everyday since. I guess I should let the boy have a puppy. But I still miss Dawg..
Sunny Dreams,
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