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And just as proof the nice weather is really here, today I harvested 2 -1 gallon ziplock bags from the lettuce garden and about 2 sandwich bags from the spinach!

Today, I got halfway through making my first "chicken tractor".(So be kind in its critique.) This is just the run area- (that had to have the top support rebuilt after breaking from certain children trying to "tight rope walk"... that is the reason for the questionable end 2x4's and the white thin sides). The measurements are 5 feet long by 3 feet wide. Height is about 3 1/2 feet...I think... There is some fine tuning to do before I build the house end. Until then, I will be putting the baby chicks in during the day and placed by the big pen. I am trying to get the other chickens use to seeing and hearing them so the transition to being all together will go MUCH smoother.Oh and obviously, it will be painted black. Maybe white trimming.

Look what I spotted today while The Captain tore into the big pile of pine!

Sweetest Dreams, ~Tammie
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