The Delaware hens & Brahma bantams were let out to free range today.
I have kept them in the chicken tractor that is moved every other day on the hilltop and around the gardens, which gives fresh greens often. But today they were loose to wander IN the gardens. They follow me around as I go through attacking the (many) weeds, which have escaped my sight over the last month. Little peeps surround me, feathered wings brush my ankles & little claws climb over my sandaled feet as they weave in and out of the tall tomatoes, bushy squash and viney pumpkins/watermelon. Little puffs of white and brown mixed in with all that green put a smile to my lips.
We have had a horrible time with Japanese beetles this year. I have never had a problem with beetles- never even had one beetle- until this year. I think it may have something to do with the first time growing of potatoes. We have put up a "beetle bag" and continue to pick them off plants and throw them into hot soapy water. They have done a lot of damage to my zinnias and morning glories. luckily it has kept them off my tomatoes which sit next to the flowers.
This is the first year I have been able to collect the wild strawberries that grow here. The chickens have always free ranged and Buddy (that D*** goat) would get to them before me.
But not this year! AHA! Although now the kids know they are there. Actually, they have been eating them for weeks now before I could stop them. Lil' boogers.
I was able to freeze a small handful today along with the 2 cups of wild blackberries we picked at the secret spot.
The blackberries were abundant and there are lots of canes that are not even close to being ripe for at least 3-4 weeks. So I hope to trek back in the next day or two to pick enough to fill a quart freezer bag full. I hope to have at least 5 of those bags in the deep freezer before the season is over with a variety of other berries.
I am really hoping i did not give myself a case of poison ivy. I was wearing flip flops and know there had to be some I stepped on. I had not expected to pick berries. I was lucky to find a plastic bag in the glove compartment and an old map under the seat to line it ( I had just cleared out all my pails and baskets from the cargo trunk to shampoo the inside the night before!!). The Captain was taking Panda & Lil Man fishing and I spotted a woman with a bowl of berries who stopped to chat about how little willow is. She said there was not much on the spots she visited which must be different from where i checked. Of course having a sleepy frog on your hip prevents the stretching needed for the deeper/bigger ones. Oh well. That just gives me a great excuse to go hiking while the weather has turned cooler for 1 more day.
Berry sweet dreams,

But not this year! AHA! Although now the kids know they are there. Actually, they have been eating them for weeks now before I could stop them. Lil' boogers.
I was able to freeze a small handful today along with the 2 cups of wild blackberries we picked at the secret spot.
The blackberries were abundant and there are lots of canes that are not even close to being ripe for at least 3-4 weeks. So I hope to trek back in the next day or two to pick enough to fill a quart freezer bag full. I hope to have at least 5 of those bags in the deep freezer before the season is over with a variety of other berries.
I am really hoping i did not give myself a case of poison ivy. I was wearing flip flops and know there had to be some I stepped on. I had not expected to pick berries. I was lucky to find a plastic bag in the glove compartment and an old map under the seat to line it ( I had just cleared out all my pails and baskets from the cargo trunk to shampoo the inside the night before!!). The Captain was taking Panda & Lil Man fishing and I spotted a woman with a bowl of berries who stopped to chat about how little willow is. She said there was not much on the spots she visited which must be different from where i checked. Of course having a sleepy frog on your hip prevents the stretching needed for the deeper/bigger ones. Oh well. That just gives me a great excuse to go hiking while the weather has turned cooler for 1 more day.
Berry sweet dreams,

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