Future plan outlook:
We are leaning towards Dairy cows in the future. 3-4 would be enough and male calves would be processed/sold to supply meat for winter and buy enough hay for the dairy girls. Any females MAY be kept or will be traded/sold for other needs. A few dairy goats but not more the 2 or 3 at a time- would like to have & train a few wethers to be pack goats/ pull a wagon. Raising chickens-really liking the Delawares- for meat and eggs, plus growing a 3/4 to1 whole acre garden would be enough for freezing/canning and sell extra off or trade for what we need. (Can you tell I really enjoy bartering?) We plan to put in 8 blueberry bushes, 4 peach, 8 apple, 4 pear, and a very big amount of berry canes and table fruit variety grapevines. It will take about 5 years to be established, but Rome was not built in one day my friends. The grape startings I received from a freecycler recently, will be established & produce in just 2 years. Those will be going with us to any new land.
I would like to point everyone over to Pile O'Melays blog.Click here to Check out the root cellar they are building- with a glass bottle wall! Very cool. Gotta write "root cellar with glass bottle wall & outdoor bath tub" on list of things to build in the future homestead. Lots of great stuff over there to drool over and be inspired- gardens, projects, recipes and adventures. Be sure to check it out if you are not already a current visitor to his place.
Sweetest Dreams,
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