Fernie has Bottle jaw. She has had it for awhile with nothing effecting it with what I have done. Roseanna, the woman I bought Cleopatra from, generously gave her time and own supplies to come help out. She came up after driving the 2 hours north here and administered the much needed medicines I could not afford to buy. The Cydectin is $70 a bottle-OUCH! Plus she got a BoSe injection, an iron injection and some Vitamin A&D injection. I have the b complex and have been giving her Red Cell supplement along with a few other little things. So hopefully she is now on the road to full recovery. Poor girl.
Chia had her run with the Cydectin just to be safe. She made it very clear she was not happy about receiving it. She is a strong goat and I am embarrassed to say, still overweight. She weighed in at 125 lbs. Fernie is at 100lbs. Be assured, Chia is still on a strict no grain diet and has to be forced into her daily walks.
Chia had her run with the Cydectin just to be safe. She made it very clear she was not happy about receiving it. She is a strong goat and I am embarrassed to say, still overweight. She weighed in at 125 lbs. Fernie is at 100lbs. Be assured, Chia is still on a strict no grain diet and has to be forced into her daily walks.
The captain & I have agreed, we will not get anymore goats and just let these 2 live out their days with us. I am still determined to get a daughter out of Chia- that is if we are lucky and she settles to a chosen buck. Fernie will most likely not be bred again or if we do, it will be a year or two so she will be at her strongest as to not relapse due to a weak system. But no more outside goats! Thats it. No more.
The tomatoes are ripening! We have been getting a few a day on the black cherry tomatoes and the orange bigger ones- which I cant remember the name..
This is lil' mans collection basket for the day. I picked it up for 29 cents at thrift store.
But the striped cavern gave us it's first yesterday, the grape cherry are pumping them out at least 2 1/2 cups a day, plus a good 3 cups of Roma's a day. I thought I planted a larger purple Russian, but they are coming out as medium red balls. Hmmm...wonder how that happened. The plants are so over grown, its a big tangled jungle up there. The cherry tomatoes were tagged wrong- there is no way these are bush- the vines are extending past my height at 5'8 and I do not have any larger trellis is place. They have climbed over to the Roma side and they do not like the company. I will try to rig something up here soon.
We have decided on a house to build. We get the square footage at an unbelievable price. Beats any builder I have spoken to with an honorable history. At the price we are getting, anywhere else would give us a very small home or a modular- I just don't like them. Plus we would have to go with a 3 bedroom and not a 4. I need space since winters are long. I get very antsy in small spaces with small children for long periods of time. So yes, it is a big home, and yes it is selfish. I am allowed some indulgence for my mental health. The study would be switched to a laundry/sewing room. The dining room extended in the living room area and the leftover space made into a home office.
here is a link to view the floorplans:
Nothing fancy. It will be built on a cement slab. They are very cooperative on including as much reusable resources we can on the interior. They even let you do some of the work to lower the price. I.e, p
ainting, weekly cleanup, etc. They just deduct it from the homes price at the end. we will be buying old solid wood doors from the Habitat ReStore. (Thanks Cheryl for the link. I hope the word gets out and more people incorporate it into their building process).
There are lots of other ways we will be saving money such as having a very dear and close friend do the landscaping and holding our own "Barn raising" party. The captain laughed about that idea, but I think it would go over well. Have everyone down for the weekend and get it made Amish style! Its not a very big barn. Kinda like the small dutch barns at this site and pictured here on the left. Not exact, but it gives you the idea. (I snipped from the link Stella gave). It's location is just an hour away from us for the barn dealer. I would like to hold the family thanksgiving get together once we are settled. Having the extra room in the house will accommodate our small extended family.
The Barden homes company builds all over the northeast United states. Check it out. They even have a few parcels of land in our desire of size- one has a stream bed! Also at a very good & negotiable price. No restrictions on the deed except no modular or mobile homes on the properties.
We may go looking after the first to view the property. It has views of all the farms around it, beautiful hills and one has grape vineyards down in the valley which is viewed from where the house would sit. An interesting fact for you- The road the property sits on has our last name. with creek after it. The captains legal first name is the first half of the house model name. Some things just make you go hmmmm.....
Sweet dreams,
The tomatoes are ripening! We have been getting a few a day on the black cherry tomatoes and the orange bigger ones- which I cant remember the name..

But the striped cavern gave us it's first yesterday, the grape cherry are pumping them out at least 2 1/2 cups a day, plus a good 3 cups of Roma's a day. I thought I planted a larger purple Russian, but they are coming out as medium red balls. Hmmm...wonder how that happened. The plants are so over grown, its a big tangled jungle up there. The cherry tomatoes were tagged wrong- there is no way these are bush- the vines are extending past my height at 5'8 and I do not have any larger trellis is place. They have climbed over to the Roma side and they do not like the company. I will try to rig something up here soon.
We have decided on a house to build. We get the square footage at an unbelievable price. Beats any builder I have spoken to with an honorable history. At the price we are getting, anywhere else would give us a very small home or a modular- I just don't like them. Plus we would have to go with a 3 bedroom and not a 4. I need space since winters are long. I get very antsy in small spaces with small children for long periods of time. So yes, it is a big home, and yes it is selfish. I am allowed some indulgence for my mental health. The study would be switched to a laundry/sewing room. The dining room extended in the living room area and the leftover space made into a home office.
here is a link to view the floorplans:

There are lots of other ways we will be saving money such as having a very dear and close friend do the landscaping and holding our own "Barn raising" party. The captain laughed about that idea, but I think it would go over well. Have everyone down for the weekend and get it made Amish style! Its not a very big barn. Kinda like the small dutch barns at this site and pictured here on the left. Not exact, but it gives you the idea. (I snipped from the link Stella gave). It's location is just an hour away from us for the barn dealer. I would like to hold the family thanksgiving get together once we are settled. Having the extra room in the house will accommodate our small extended family.
The Barden homes company builds all over the northeast United states. Check it out. They even have a few parcels of land in our desire of size- one has a stream bed! Also at a very good & negotiable price. No restrictions on the deed except no modular or mobile homes on the properties.
We may go looking after the first to view the property. It has views of all the farms around it, beautiful hills and one has grape vineyards down in the valley which is viewed from where the house would sit. An interesting fact for you- The road the property sits on has our last name. with creek after it. The captains legal first name is the first half of the house model name. Some things just make you go hmmmm.....
Sweet dreams,
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