If you have not heard yet, here ya go.Perseid Meteor shower peaks this weekend. Here is the link to Yahoo's news post and here is one for Sky& telescope magazine.
"The Perseids are one of the two strongest and most reliable annual meteor showers. (The other is December's Geminids.) And while some showers produce brief bursts lasting just a few hours, the Perseids have a broad peak. So don't despair if clouds are forecast for Sunday night — or if work obligations prevent you from staying up until dawn on Monday. Even now, a week before the peak, you can see up to a dozen Perseids per hour if conditions are perfect. That's stronger than some meteor showers at their best!
The meteor rate increases to roughly 30 per hour in the predawn hours on Saturday, 45 per hour on Sunday morning, and 80 per hour before the sky starts to get light on Monday morning. That's for a single observer at a dark-sky site in the north temperate latitudes."
Mainly clear skies here with a low of 62 tonight. I do believe we will have to stay up and watch the show. Cuddle up by the bonfire in the blanket (I get cold easily). Sipping some homemade Mulberry mead. Watching the Meteor shower. Slathered in bug spray to fend off the blood thirsty beasts-thanks to all the rain we begged for.
I thought I would share a picture to show what bottle jaw looks like to those who do not know. This is Fernie from a few days back- notice the swlling under her chin/jaw line going towards her neck :

On a lighter note, i am transplanting peppermint from the garden to the side of the goat cabin. It

Pliny tells us that the Greeks and Romans crowned themselves with Peppermint at their feasts and adorned their tables with its sprays, and that their cooks flavoured both their sauces and their wines with its essence.
Click the quote above and it will take you to more history& interesting facts on peppermint. I've got plenty this year and the spearamint is doing well too. I have a clipping of apple mint I snipped at the local herb garden and it has succesfully rooted for me. I have not found any in the nurseries close by so a 4 inch snip to grow my own was less then their weekly caretakers trimming. i am hoping to have mint growing along with lots of Zinnias around the animal barn. I can't help but think I read somewhere that fly's do not like the smell of mint. Anyone know if that is accurate?
Sun is poking her beautiful face out today and The birds are singing extra loud. We are off to play in the garden and swing on the magic tree.
Summer dreams,
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