

Monday, February 18, 2008

Finished berry tote, Panda's guitar, A shared path

It is finally done. I learned from a few mistakes on this one. First, when using cheaper softer wood~ PRE-DRILL holes! Second lesson was- easy on the sand paper.
here it is in naked Glory. See the wood glue spots? yep...Pre drill....
And third was easy on the color mixing of paint... I went a bit too grey and a bit hard with the sandpaper after having it all built. I was going for the roughed up vintage look... May have to go play hard in the dirt with this one though.I used an exacto knife to cut out the Luna Gardens name on card stock. Then used black craft paint and a paper towel to blot over it. Giving it more hand lettering style with simpleness. I put it on the front and back side:
Front and back sides- both with our special name.

It is not the best, and being my first did teach me a few better ways for the future. I have 2 more to build and ready up for the Spring Gifts. Plenty of time before then.
Look what I spotted this afternoon?
One of those moments that make you stop in your tracks and soak it in. I was able to grab the camera next to me and forever have the moment to look back on.
Onto another subject, I have a few books on their way via I fell in love with the book "Cottage Witchery" by Ellen Dugan, during one of my inter-library borrowing sessions. Of course i had to get "Garden Witchery" (same author) to go along with it. And then to get the "super savings", I needed $3 spent to get the free shipping. Sooo.... I got Natural & Herbal Family Remedies: Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin
for $3.95... I am not the type to buy books, but found so much useful information in the few I have had the pleasure of getting my hands by the author Ellen Dugan- **here is a link to her home page**.
These are such great books that i can utilize in teaching Panda and I-together- the path I feel drawn to. It embraces me, fills me with calm and happiness. Nothing I have ever felt with any other "beliefs".
I brought Cottage Witchery over to my cousin, "Tuesday", and she immediately felt drawn to it. She has asked me to include her and her (oldest) daughter in some of our outdoor activities and explore the path we have been drawn to. I love that I have someone else to share in the newness and is as excited like a school girl the way I am.
There is a Lunar Eclipse starting the 20th. Keep your eyes to the night sky starting around 8:30 pm. The eclipse will last just over 3 hours. Check this site for more viewing information*

Happy watching and
sweet dreams,


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