

Saturday, June 14, 2008

A path of green with potholes ahead....

A Homesteading Neophyte
Tagged me on the question of "What will you NOT give up to be green?
Well... I do have a few a so called "vices" which I would not give up . I could do with out alot more then most. Leave me some pleasures and I can live without much more. Moderation is what matters here.
Alcohol can be homemade so that I do not count. I can make and do more then the average woman (except knitting, etc They got me on that one.) So I guess a few pleasures I just can not give up in exchange for being as green as possible seem well...selfish.

TOBACCO... There is a point of abuse and there is a point of taking pleasure as one would with an indulgent fine chocolate. Over indulging in anything is not good for you, obviously. Moderation is the key. So if I want to light up and indulge with a cup of hot coffee or a chilled glass of home brew- I will! and when I have the space to grow it - you bet I will at least try. The Captain enjoys a cigar on occasion which I see nothing wrong with either. (FYI we do not openly smoke. We are what I call discreet smokers who not even the children would know if it had not been they woke up one night while we were on the back deck chilling. Friends are amazed how I could stop after 13 years of a pack a day girl to cold turkey when I found I was pregnant with Panda 10 years ago.)

Electricity & indoor plumbing... I like having lights in a room, a working toilet with septic tank, a warm shower in the winter, an electric sewing machine, a refrigerator and freezer plus internet. No off grid for me- I would go with more green friendly methods IF they were at a more affordable price range. If solar were affordable for us to go with in the next home, we would be all over it. I know how selfish. But it goes back to a difference in over indulging or Moderation.I'm all for an outdoor bath tub or shower. I'm all for a decomposing toilet. I will have these on the future 'stead, but will still have my indoor plumbing for the year round use (no 5 degree weather walking to the loo will happen while I have working plumbing.)
A/C is nice for some people but I would rather lay back in the hammock up on the hill edge where there is always a breeze under the trees. In Ohio, it really is not necessary to my family. I can find other ways to keep cool here. And I never shower everyday anyway. Pashaw! Wash my feet and slip on the nightie- lights out! Mosquito spray....Deet may not be your friend, but he is welcome here where the bites swell up like grapes and leave itchy masses. The kids have reactions to them. Some years I think they have grown out of it then BAM! they get a spot.

Truck...Phelan is right. How am I suppose to haul an animal and/ or hay in my vue? (she gets almost 30 on the interstate since I went with stick shift- I will NEVER own an automatic vehicle-EVER!)Goats or poultry fit yes, but when the cow comes... well it may be able to fit it's head out the sunroof but think of the poor girls eyes with bugs flying at her 65 mph.... Oh...and the messy patties they drop? How am I suppose to clean that out of fabric? A trailer can not fit loads of hay/supplies AND animals.

Coffee....not just any coffee. rich dark Columbian coffee.
Need I really say more?

Lip hair removal of any kind that works.... I somewhere down the line inherited the evil black hairs that grow above the upper lip. As a kid I never noticed. But as a teen I started to. I had no idea how to rid it from my face and once introduced to nair...:) Never tweeze- they come back more coarse!
My poor poor daughters have inherited that evil gene. Frog at the young age of 2 has it showing more so then Panda did. I see a wax treatment for Panda with in the next year or two though... As a woman, you can not have a black "stache. I will leave that up to The captain for adorning his face.Multi purpose (pink) tractor.... Well somebody needs to till a field, make hay, survey the land, pull old tree trunks out of the ground, lift an animal for butchering. (umm can you give me a hand pulling this chain? need to get this 400 lb animal up high enough to butcher? Thanks man...) I can not lift even half of that! And what if no one else is around to help?
See? Selfish to many. But if you realize what we do without to be kind to Mother Nature and stop viewing it as we are living as others do...well then you would allow me a few so called pleasures...
Sure there are other ways/things I could replace the above items with. But these are what i will NOT give up. Refuse. Flat out.
So burn me at the stake. Call me a green sinner. Throw your tomatoes9dont mind the basket- I'm just trying to not waste such precious food).
So let the cat out of the bag. Tell your inner selfish desires that you will NOT give up to be green.
The elected are:
Going Green In So. Illinois

pile of o'melays


Mom in Madison

Best of luck!
Sweet dreams,


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