

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Contemplating extra curricular activities...

(Camera battery charger has gone AWOL. No pics untill it turns up or a certain child fesses to where it is...)
Panda and I are seriously considering some Belly Dance classes. I have found a local place which has adult classes PLUS belly dance for kids ages 4 and up. Doing the videos is one thing, but I just can't seem to stay entertained by them. Maybe a class environment will hold my attention better.
Panda has shown great interest in the Middle eastern dance and even has her cousins doing some hip & belly rolls.
The price is very reasonable. $65 for 8 classes ( her 4 plus my 4) per month. If I can talk Tuesday into it and her budget allows, I will ask for Country girl to take it with Panda in the kid class. Maybe even talk Danny boy into letting CoCo come down for classes too.
The Captain will not be hosting a party this year for his birthday. Instead it will be a guy night around the bonfire. I prefer costume/theme parties but have not been up to hosting anything lately. I have this hunger for road trips and alone time instead. So who knows where that week will take me.
We are drying up Fernie. I have an abundance of milk and want to make sure she is in top shape for breeding this fall. She needs some more pounds on her before she has any kids growing.
Chia, we believe, has CAE. Her knees are popping so loud now with every step. Some days are better then others. She will not be bred.
No eggs as of yet, but that should change in the next few weeks.
The Tomatoes have given just a handful of ripened ones, which is disappointing, especially with this freak cooler weather already. My Cilantro has become coriander already. I so desired fresh garden salsa...Oh well. That happens.
Not much was put out by the Rattlesnake pole beans this year. I did leave a decent amount on the vines to dry for next years garden seed. A few pie pumpkins are almost ripe. We have a few Moon and Star watermelons, a good amount of winter squashes, some French (chanteray or something like that) melons (not impressed with the taste by the way), a ton of Cannelini beans.
A few corns, some kind of Millet or whatever sprouted up from chicken scratch (and will be saved for the ladies later on) and No cukes for pickles- Nada. Zip. Not one..
I have lettuce to reseed and the greens patch needs cleaned out and feed to the animals.
Not to mention I need to find some straw and get the Goat cabin cleaned out. Oh and guess who went broody AGAIN!
Right along with Banty at her side, Mrs. Frizzle is determined to hatch something out of nothing. I have tried pulling both of the empty nest but they go kicking and screaming right back to the nest they have made. Ach Vey! Silly chickens.
I have my muscles to work out on before I nod off. so...
Sweet dreams,


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