

Monday, September 15, 2008

Water, water everywhere.... Now how did the barnyard fair?

This weekend my 3 children went to play with me up at Danny Boy's. I took them (along with CoCo) to my serenity creek and did a little more exploring , further up the creek. And look what we found!
And of course we discovered some more Craw daddies! A few of course made their way into the kids bucket so they could put them in our home aquarium...

That night, a storm rolled in. The wind was so powerful, trees were down everywhere! Many places left without lights and massive trees blocked roadways. The wind blew and blew into the night, with the rain starting hours after the wind blew in.
Luckily, our little homestead fared very well. With a few limbs here and there. The animals all survived, unscathed by the weather. The morning found them checking out the garden scraps thrown in the day before and hiding under the limb that did make its way into their pen.Chia appears to be doing well. I have not noticed any further discomfort, as the nights cool down. She may well be with us for years to come. Fernie is starting to thicken up to a more desirable weight. Still not as thick as I would like to see her, but compared to a year ago, I am content.
One of the Delawares has begun to lay an egg a day. Mrs.Frizzle and Bonnie are still co sharing the nest duties- which we should see some hatching duck eggs here soon. Wonder how my little 2 mothers will share this brood of 2.
Clyde, our Drake, seems to have become an egg eater...I noticed eggs were not "being laid" and then he would have yellow on his neck.... May have to banish him to the garden if he continues this crap. I love that silly duck but not so much to give up my eggs for his meals!
Gotta get some stuff done in the yard before dark....Small branches and leaves are everywhere.
Hmmm. Sounds like a job for Goat Patrol!
Sweetest Dreams,


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