

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

For the Love of Tisane!

Living a more self sustainable, earth friendly life means more then food & animals. You must strive to be healthy and happy with life. Herbs are a great preventive and soothing way for helping in the health department. Amazing what they can do for your body and your mind. To begin introducing herbs into your life, not just by their culinary use, but by the liquids you drink, Tea makes for a great starting point.
Most people when they think of tea, think of iced tea. Either brewed in a pot on the stove or in a large jar set out in the sun. The tea would be the normal black leaf variety commonly purchased in the local grocery store. Not many venture much from the common flavor or style.
In an attempt to reduce the intake of juice my children consume plus instill a bedtime ritual to induce calm, I began making "Sleepy time tea" for my children 2 hours before bedtime. It contains Chamomile, Spearmint, Valerian, and other soothing herbs. The only sweetener used is honey from our bee hive.This has been a ritual since last Fall. I have seen a great difference in my children since beginning their Tea and story time. As I read bedtime stories aloud, we cuddle up either in the big bed or on the couch while they enjoy their late night beverage. For the most part, they remain calm for the remainder of the evening and fall to sleep faster in comparison to nights they do not have their special tea.
Without any push from me, they have begun requesting tea's during the day. Between the sleepy time, the Chamomile, and the lemon balm, our children are off to a good start on loving herbal teas ( also known as "Tisane") .
Questions about the kinds of tea we have and what else can be used for tea showed they are ready for more herbal wisdom.
Our local library carries many books on herbal wisdom, but one in particular is helping me on the path to their introduction.
"A kid's herb book" by Lesley Tierra.
Majority of the herbs can be easily found in our yard or garden. A few we have on our list to order from the Blossom Farm come Spring( an online seller which is 1 hour from here).They carry more then live plants. Their site includes dried herbs, lotions, salves, soaps, tea's, even herb and spice blends hand made by their family farm. The Lavender fields are such a beautiful site. They carry plants that I can not find at most garden nurseries, such as Patchouli plants.(and the prices I feel you will find most agreeable for those hard to find plants).
Every herb has its own chapter and "bedtime story". A coloring picture, song, and great descriptions of use, plus ways how to use the herb.
Many many years ago I found a special tea mug. Something I had never seen before and became intrigued by its little ceramic insert. I love the mug which has beautiful artwork of the strawberry plant on the sides and on the lid. Inside was an infuser for whole leaf teas. Until I had my own herbs growing in the garden, this special mug set just sat in the cupboard. It would be years before I knew the use of the porcelain insert. this was before I understood whole loose leaf tea.
I would like to share a few sites with prices most agreeable, so you too may experience your herbal teas in this unique fashion.
This teapot with infuser, found at, is priced under $14 and is nice for sharing tea with others or for those moments where more then 1 cup is desired.

And if you already have a favorite mug, you must have a ceramic strainer similar to mine for just under $5:Found at this site with the best prices I have found in my searches:
There are many more great items at the above sites which many may appreciate. Have a look around. Sample some Tisane and possibly a new experience.

Snuggle up with a favorite blanket, a great cup of tea (with your new infusing method), dream of the new year's garden or read to your children. Begin a ritual of Tea time. Read some books on growing herbs for teas.
Soon it will be time to get your hands dirty and hot tea will soon turn into herbal iced tea.
Sweet Dreams,


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