

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Scored Skylights, and welcomed seedling visitor

Picked up 4 nice large bubble Skylights off our local Craigslist. Someone was remodeling a condo and was giving 7 away. I have been searching to see the effect of them being tinted would have for the purpose I desire as cold frames. Starting the lettuce and other greens now. My friend and co owner/moderator of our Local homesteading forum, Chris, mentioned in an email this morning how he planned to plant a greens garden just for the bunnies. Transplanting dandelions into the spot along with seeding some other greens for his meat rabbits. Since we are picking up a trio of Californian does and a Floridian buck on the 15th, I am inspired by his idea to do the same.
The seedlings Frog and I planted are not growing very fast. Basil, winter hardy lettuces, parsley, a few just for fun mystery seed tomato. They seem like they got to one point and just stopped. The Parsley did just grow their scalloped signature leaf in the last few days and there are about 40 parsleys total.
Frog has her own foil pan garden and despite the over watering her cat grass has survived and is now home to a new friend:
Anyone have any input on using the tinted skylights for the lettuce "cold frames"?
Any tips on doing it right?
I need to repair the inside where the insulation barrier is slightly torn but otherwise they are in great shape. The plan is to use 1 layer of brick to make a frame for the skylights to sit on and let them warm up real good in the garden for a few weeks.
I also scored some very nice split doors with frame and handles intact. The one will go in the laundry room separating the under stair space with the well room. Hard to explain but you will see it soon enough. I should have taken a before picture when the walls were not painted...Ah well
I had a whole can of the Sweet Annie green left over from the last painting of the living room, so I put it to good use.
I have trimming to finish in the laundry room before I get to the next step. The way our stair well is, we have a flat tall wall as you go down the steps which is very eye catching. Perfect spot to put a painted Cursive quote. I'm thinking something like:

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
- Kahlil Gibran
Or maybe:
Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. ~Lao Tzu
Something to add to the wall as decor so it is not so plain.
Baby chicks (at 26 of them!) will be here this weekend and I have yet to get the new heat lamp. YIKES!

Sweet Dreams,



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