The old garden is a mess. It actually saddens me to see it in such shambles. Overgrown weeds intermingled with our leftover herbs and onions. Our daily trip out there now consists of seek & find the plant of the day. Today's plants were Dill, comfrey plus some of the sunflowers which stand at 5 ft tall now. During the hunt for Dill, we discovered my chamomile survived the winter! I was so shocked to see the flowers blooming next to some strawberries.
Frog Found our first green tree/woodland frog of the Summer:

They always seem so at ease when we hold them. Just chillin' out, waiting for me to finish taking my pictures. Once they have had enough, usually after a few minutes they begin to climb up our arm before they jump off. Going on with their day.
Frog also found our first Sunflower of the summer. How Could I have missed such a thing? It could be due to the calendula being in bloom for weeks, making the color of the sunflower not stand out from the rest. So many weeds with plenty of self seeded sunflowers. Reaching as tall, if not more, then Frogs toddler height.

The Onions I planted earlier in the year are being discussed for transplanting. I wonder if they will continue to grow if I uproot them now and transplant within 24 hours. There may not be Fall harvest access later on if I do not take them now. I guess trying is better then wondering at this stage.
I am setting plans for attending the Mother Earth news Fair in September. To bring the happenings of this first time event, via Adventures with The Unusual Farm Chick. Between the workshops, key note speakers & companies of interest, it looks to be an enjoyable Homestead adventure. Somebody must stay home to care for the gardens and livestock.
Luckily, my kids will be staying just down the road from home. A simple trip for them to feed our mob. While The Captain & I attend the Mother Earth News' big party in P.A .
Frog Found our first green tree/woodland frog of the Summer:

They always seem so at ease when we hold them. Just chillin' out, waiting for me to finish taking my pictures. Once they have had enough, usually after a few minutes they begin to climb up our arm before they jump off. Going on with their day.
Frog also found our first Sunflower of the summer. How Could I have missed such a thing? It could be due to the calendula being in bloom for weeks, making the color of the sunflower not stand out from the rest. So many weeds with plenty of self seeded sunflowers. Reaching as tall, if not more, then Frogs toddler height.
The Onions I planted earlier in the year are being discussed for transplanting. I wonder if they will continue to grow if I uproot them now and transplant within 24 hours. There may not be Fall harvest access later on if I do not take them now. I guess trying is better then wondering at this stage.
I am setting plans for attending the Mother Earth news Fair in September. To bring the happenings of this first time event, via Adventures with The Unusual Farm Chick. Between the workshops, key note speakers & companies of interest, it looks to be an enjoyable Homestead adventure. Somebody must stay home to care for the gardens and livestock.
Luckily, my kids will be staying just down the road from home. A simple trip for them to feed our mob. While The Captain & I attend the Mother Earth News' big party in P.A .
Anyone else going?
Sweetest Dreams,
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