We planted a second crop of beans today. Dragon tongue & Triumphe de Farcy french green beans. They were planted in spots where the birds must have taken seed from the corn & yellow wax beans. That just means there will be more Fresh beans in 2 months and dried beans in just over 3 months.

While we were moving the furniture into the new house, The Captain spotted a garden tool by the front stoop. A garden weasel! Kinda old school looking or maybe a different brand then the original infomercial one. Little Man & I decided to give it a spin in the garden along with another new garden tool (of which I have no idea of it's proper name). What a difference they made for weeding the garden.The Garden Weasel was able to break up the surface dirt between the plants where it has hardened plus loosen the soil around the weeds. The other tool was able to pull up the weeds and dig deeper for better aeration to the surrounding plants.

Since Panda is away at camp this week, Frog & Lil Man ventured out the 3 acre perimeter, helping pick the black raspberries. We discovered tons of blackberry plants along the way and soon the mosquito's discovered us. Our picking was short lived and a mental note was made for making tea tree oil repellent before heading back out..
The rabbits and chickens are VERY happy it seems in their new run. I have decided against caging the rabbits. I am very active in surveying the fence perimeter for any attempts of digging. They seem content hiding in the tall grass & weeds, munching the day away. When I enter this VERY large dog run kennel, I am greeted by the soft clucking of my feathered ladies and little white heads popping out from under the greenery. Sometimes the rabbits come to greet me as well, munching the garden cuttings from my hand or they run deeper into the tall shade of leaves.
They do have an old groundhog hole which has been long abandoned. It seems Momma rabbit has made it her burrow. It is located next to the outbuilding and has a long board leaned up, making a nice shade area for the rabbits.
I may change my mind on their colony style come winter, but for now I will leave what seems to be a good thing, just as it is.
I have emails to send out for video trips which have been stalled due to our move. Some things had to be rearranged or canceled while I settle our family into the new Homestead.
Time to get a few more box's unpacked before bed.
Sweetest dreams,
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