

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New Urban Homesteading television!

I'm a bit green with envy at the moment. For more then just the awesome Top Bar beehive, donated by Bee Landing to be used by Rodman, but the fact this guy is doing what I so badly wanted to do. Traveling out into the Homesteading world. Sharing his discovery, you CAN homestead in the urban environment. I would also love to claim it was I, who sparked this much anticipated television show. Which your welcome to say The Unusual Farm Chick is a genius! But it was not.
Rodman Schley is Host to The Urban Conversion. An up & coming television show that shares the experience of this city slicker whom travels to various Urban Homesteads around the U.S.A.
Reaping knowledge, how to & of course...unforgettable experiences as he learns more about Urban homesteading while "getting his hands dirty".

From Milking goats, cleaning out the chicken coop, learning about environmental responsibility, to raising backyard food gardens. All in the quest to reduce his own carbon footprint.
Rodman is a fiscal conservative businessman that places a high value on social responsibility for both humanity and our planet. He currently owns 13 successful businesses in the Denver area, and has a fairly extreme carbon footprint.

I discovered, or more like they discovered me, through youtube. I was sent a friend request by the name "The Urban Conversion". So I checked them out. WoW! I was impressed and over joyed to see this project coming to life. Rodman truly is the perfect host for this entertaining & mind opening production. I found myself smiling and laughing as I recalled my first experiences milking a goat and tending the chickens.

Watching Rodman dig in like a champ, determined to figure it all out.

There are many levels in the Urban homesteading life. Rodman is on the quest to experience them all. From off grid life to the backyard farming oasis. This is not your average mindless television show. They share what Urban homesteading is all about. In a way, opening the minds & eyes of those around us. Showing it is more then just a few chickens & a square foot garden. I believe this fresh look at the green movement will bring a better change to many lives and communities. Proving it can be done in a responsible & considerate fashion.

Finally. A show that will have me turning on the television once again. At least...for the half hour that it's on.
The Urban Conversion has a website with much more information then I can share with you. From teaser episodes to more information on who is Rodman and what this is all about. I highly encourage you to check it out and see for yourself. Share a post with YOUR readers about this new show and spread the word. It's time we decide what is worthy to watch and this right up our alley.
Sweetest dreams,


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