

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Do you do this? {Book Advent Calendar}

 We started our Book Advent Calendar on the first.
I saw the idea last year. Sorry - I can't remember where and loved the idea! 
After the Holidays last year I gathered up all of our Christmas books and put them away so I could keep track of them. I got them out this year and discovered that I only needed 8 more to reach 25!!
And guess what?? 
I found the ones I needed to reach my goal this year at The Dollar Store!! 
And they were pretty cute too!

My girls were so excited to open the first book. I made sure it was Elf On A Shelf. We discovered that last year too. Do you have one? We named ours Zoom!

Look what Ella lost over Thanksgiving! And speaking of Ella, I am running around like a madwoman getting her birthday party together for tomorrow. I am throwing a Vintage Tea Party -- she's so excited!!

And I also wanted to tell you about something else exciting that's happening tomorrow -- 
A really fun crafting twitter chat @ 4 PM EST/1 PM PST.
Our topic for this week is "Craft Blogging 101" and we are going to be sharing our top tips for beginning craft bloggers.

If you don’t have a twitter account you can still spy in on us.  If you go to and follow the #crafterminds you can follow along in real time (you just won’t be able to give your two cents).

The Craftermind Girls are:
Come join us as we kick off our weekly #crafterminds chat tomorrow!

We'd love to see you there!!! 

Have a great night!!



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