

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Furniture Design: Implosion!

Welcome to our final outcome - our light installation development video. 

There was a minor disaster early on the morning of the presentation, as when the final arch was moved to make space for the 4th years critique session, the arch collapsed. Fragile, much.

With help from Malcolm the interiors workshop technician however, it was erected again and put on display in the Level 5 Matthew Gallery space for presentation. A series of stills were shown interlaced with short video clips of the processes we went through during out time in the workshop. Among our presentation were our final InDesign presentation sheets, which can be viewed on my Portfolio page.

We got a good reception during presentation, and with all the usual difficulties associated with group work aside - I think we are all pleased with the outcome.  Below is a series of images after the original completion:


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