Hello to everyone at Tatertots & Jello and happy Friday!
I’m Nike (that’s Neeka) from Choose To Thrive.
I’m thrilled to be sharing my
Simple Valentine’s Photo Art tutorial!
Simple Valentine’s Photo Art tutorial!
Valentine’s Day at our house has been a family event ever since kiddo #5 arrived via an emergency c-section during what would have been our Valentine’s dinner.
So when I decided to make a photo display to celebrate this holiday, I not only thought about using pictures of me and my husband, but also to all of the people I love:
... my children ... in-laws ... extended family.
And this project could be simpler ....
I began by inserting family pictures into a Word document and scaling them to the size I needed.
I then converted the image to black and white.
To add names, select Insert >Text Box>Simple Text Box. Make sure you select the No Fill and No Outline options so that your text will blend seamlessly over top of your pictures.
Select the font, color and size of your text and drag into position on your picture.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
(To fill my large 22" x 28" frame, I used 58 1.5" x 2.5" pictures)
I printed out several sheets of pictures on cardstock and trimmed around each photo.
For the display base, I removed the Declaration of Independence that was in the frame to start, hid it carefully from Ben Gates (ha!) and cut a piece of cardboard the same size…
… covered it with muslin and taped the raw edges to the back.
I arranged the pictures in a heart, attaching each one to the cardboard base with a photo tab.
To finish this project, the phrase "The greatest gift to LOVE and be loved in return" was cut from black and red vinyl on my Silhouette machine and applied to the glass.
(I used the fonts JSL Ancient and Blackadder ITC which are free to download.)
A quick wipe down for finger prints and that's it:
Easy, fast, done!
I love having this new reminder of how blessed I am to be loved by my amazing family.
Thank you again, Jen, for the chance to share my project with you and your readers. Your projects and features have been the source of so much inspiration for me!
And now if you'll please excuse me, I have a birthday party to plan for a very special little boy.
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!
Wow - great tutorial, Nike!!
Did you know that Nike challenged herself last year to craft without spending any money? Yes!!
And it's incredible the beautiful projects she created without spending anything!!
This year she is challenging herself to make over her 1970's home with a budget of nothing too!! I can't wait to see what she does!
{ Ballard Design Knock Off Bulletin Boards out of old diaper boxes and VHS movies}
{Ballard Design Knock Off Vase out of an old oatmeal container}
{And old bottles into Fall Decor}
I am so excited to see what Nike does this year without spending anything!!
Be sure to follow along too at Choose to Thrive!!

PS -- It's Friday!! I can't wait to see what YOU have been working on this week.
Come on over for the WWU Party tonight. The party starts at 6 PM {MST}!!!!
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