

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Two Brand-New Blogs to Check Out!!

I just wanted to let you know about a couple really cool, new blogs that have been launched this week!!

The first is Knock Off Decor from Beckie at Infarrantly Creative 

Beckie loves a good knock-off project! 
 {this is her PB Nest Knock Off}

 Knock Off Decor is a great place to see beautiful knock-off ideas as well as a place to submit YOUR own Knock-off projects!!  

Be sure to check it out!!


And the other exciting, new blog is the Casabella Project 
 from Myra of My Blessed Life.


 Follow Myra as she remodels a 1950's fixer-upper home. 
You will love all of the DIY projects that she is tackling!! 
I am so excited to follow along on her journey!! 

And I'd love to have you stop by the Crafterminds Twitter Chat tomorrow. 
{1 pm PST/4 pm EST}


We will be talking about Relationships and Networking. We hope you can join us! Find out more information at the Crafterminds blog.



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