

Sunday, June 26, 2011

moments in time..

An amazing encounter with a fawn in our backyard, walking right up to me:
Standing within 10 ft before scared off when the children began coming out the back door:

The next day we took advantage of the clear yet over cast day, & spent it enjoying Lake Erie beach. The waves were a bit choppy, but I knew a spot that I call "the lake lagoon", which pours out into Lake Erie.
We hunted for Beach glass and Heart shaped rocks, walking away with a few nice pieces.
Now for some not so great moments..... Feel free to skip it.
The Spring has been off the charts crazy. I am sick of the constant rains & all that has come as a result from it. On top of that I have been trying to come up with solutions to a situation a company has put me in. They are not a sponsor for the videos but were going to be one of them. After months of promises they back out last minute leaving me dry on the promises I have made to others no time to get things done in time. And I mean back out as in not returning my phone calls or emails after multiple conversations confirming they would supply the main needed items for the small scale grain growing series. They are a well known company and are into the organic movement. A company I will not publicly oust but...SHAME ON YOU. I have kept mum on this in hopes I would find a last minute sponsor but have come up dry. Now I must alter things that will also bring the end of the videos. Calling it frustrating is being kind.
I'm working towards some more changes {when am I not doing so} and FINALLY have some answers and Cooperation with the captain. Hopefully the nudge {O.k more like a grab the bull by the coononies}will stop the circle we keep running.
Anyone looking for a mid level management guy with a B.A in industrial logistics & 11 yrs exp that actually pays good?
Man this job market gets harder and harder with each passing year. Thankfully the horizon has been opened to include the Carolina's.

More rains coming this entire week so I'm evaluating the supplies and planning the new creations.
Sweeter dreams,


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