

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Dover tractor show, giant sunflowers & Lady Chia

Today we paid a visit to our local Pennwest dealer since they have a 2 story on display, but not the one we are interested in. Hubby is picky about having to see the exact model so a visit to Morgantown, W.Va is now in order to visit the Bennington model we want to buy- that is if it passes our approval. The local dealer here had the Providence on location which is a 3 bedroom with a bonus room added to one side. The square footage there was around 150 sq ft more then the Bennington. Hubby was very impressed with this manufactured home and is now excited to see our model. I gotta check how far that one is away & if we could make it a day tripper.While we were down there we stopped at the Dover steam engine/tractor show. Nothing too exciting for me but lil' man loves his tractors. It was a big deal to him.
Some of Panda's Sunflowers from her house, cried out for trimming down. They appeared so heavy on their stalks/stems. I cut & had her "catch" them. That was a bad idea for this big one which stood at 12 feet tall. It fell into her waiting arms and knocked her on to the ground due to her not expecting it to be so heavy. The kids had fun measuring them all & if I only had a scale, we would have done a weigh in. Baby ducklings are just as noisy (at times) as baby chicks! They accompany us each time we head outdoors, which they just love wondering through my garden & chasing the bugs. Can you see the ones nibbling on lil mans leg in the 2nd?
Now I need some help with Lady Chia. I have not wormed her yet because I had a feeling she may be pregnant. She is an older goat but refuses to let me find out how old. She has obviously had kids before- wrinkled belly skin & her udder gave it away. But as you can see in the pics, she is just not seeming right to me. What am I missing? Is she a normal older Saanen? Is it because she needs wormed and is not pregnant? Help me out here. I have put off the worming just in case she is & I have no idea how far along. I asked her old home when I picked her up & they said no. But remember, She was running around in a pen with 1 other female, a wether, and an intact, 3 legged, 1 eyed, pygmy mohair Buck for a long time. I think it is possible.

She has a bad dry skin problem & refuses to eat the brewers yeast tablets I give to Cleo daily. They contain extra Omega 3's & garlic. She does not eat treats- she refuses apples, bananas, berries, tomatoes(Cleos fav treat!!!), and will gobble down hay & grain like its da' bomb in comparison. Something about this goat is special too. Not just your ordinary goat. I mean she will stop mid air of butting an animal even if just my hand is put in the way. She comes when called despite the great grass treat she may have found and lounges in the goat house alot by herself. Not complaining- just surprised... So- what do you think? Preggers or just needs dewormed?


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