
Sunday, November 12, 2006

Introducing ~Mr. Echo the rooster

This is our newest addition in the rooster department. Meet Mr. Echo. He is an americauna cross- I do not know what the cross part is though...He has become the outcast from the chicken run( being the new guy & all) but has fast become buds with our dear Clyde.
Update on the chickens in the run: Only 1 hen is molting which is Dr. seuss. She is pictured here looking like she is going to "throw down" with penny the buff orpington in the upper right area. (*dirt under my nails* Lower left-here is my 2 young americaunas- nameless and my Honey)

All in all this has been a rather uneventful week. I am in the hopes that a woman (from another forum) and I trade out my 2 pennies (the buff orps) for 1 of her narraganset turkey hens. She has 2 which are 1 1/2 years old. I would purchase one and trade for the other with my "pennies". I have read they are fertile up to 5-7 years. So after this winter I would start looking for a Tom. She is in southern Ohio so I would drive to exchange. The Captain said he does not mind since it is a nice drive. We could do it on a weekend and just enjoy a short roadtrip. Now I need to either build or borrow a crate for their transporting that also fits in the back of my trusty VUE!
On another note* we are trying to determine if Cleo is pregnant by Buddy or the new Bo. You see, when we went to pick her up she already had the in front of the udder "upwards dip" flattened out. It happens about 2 months into a pregnancy of does I am told/read. I also do believe she is starting to have the beginings of an udder- but I am not the best of authority on this subject. There is this spot above the teat area losing hair and having a rough texture looser skin feel. Hmmm. I did take a snapshot but its not for publishing & hope to get a better shot of it later in the day. I could always email anyone who wanted to take a look and throw their opinion in the ring. Maybe we could do a "pool" on who's the daddy and a due date! Either way I would be fine. I had hoped for a baby from Buddy but I will be happy as long as the baby(s) AND Cleo are healthy.
I am off to purchase more straw. Gotta stuff that hayloft in the goat cabin!
Have a great day.

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