

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Is that an udder? & Somebody wanna buy me this land?

You know you want to see what I had mentioned in my previous entry. Well I even put an arrow to point it out in case it is not obvious. I cropped the picture for Cleo's privacy issue.

Is that not what you see? I am going to say the end of December to the first week in January if it is the begining of an udder. That would put her at being bred with Buddy. I could of swore she had been in heat since he left, but maybe having Chia here and her going into heat just made it "effect" her and she had false heats. Hey- they say they can have false pregnancy so why not a false heat?!
So on another note- I know our home will not sell for at least 1 year after being on market. I said to the Captain"hey why dont we purchase some acreage in West virginia as a weekend/vacation spot to help ease our land envy untill our place sells." He thought it was a great idea and had thrown the idea around, himself. So just for kicks I was poking around looking to see what we could get cheap as a hunting style cabin on land or empty "hunting" land. I found 17 1/2 acres for $39,500!! Very private and sometimes (bout 11 days a year) it is not accessable over the river through the low water ford.That includes an old - in need of repair- 1 story 850 square feet (6 rooms total) farmhouse seen belowIt also includes a river stream that must be crossed at the low water ford to access the land- seen below. Same person who owns this owns about 700 acres around it. Its been in the family since early 1800's.
It also has free natural gas, has electric all hooked up, and no water/plumbing in the house. There is a tap just outside and that means-no bathroom... So an outhouse and installing some plumbing is be needed here.

I of course got to dreaming of all the wonderful times (& things) that we could spend (do) together there. I have a desire to fix up a place such as this. I imagined going there on weekends to gut and redo the inside and replace the metal roof. Build an outhouse, a small barn, and fence in an area for animals. Hey, i would load my girls up and take them with me. People do it with horses (which I do not have nor have the extra money for the luxury of one). I could have the neighbor boy feed the ladies and he could keep the eggs they lay while he cares for them.
Imagine fly fishing and canoeing. Hiking and meditating. Quality time and wonderful memories to enforce our family bond together. A getaway. Maybe even a future home...
So, anyone with some extra lottery money that would like to buy me the above? LOL.
I knew there were no takers.. oh well. I spoke with the realtor and he said (of course) that he has had alot of calls on it and if I want it I better move on it now. Of course- since it would take time to come up with the money and in that time someone would take it out from under us.
Back to dreaming. It was much nicer there.....
* I even suggested to The Captain that we sell this place and live n that one. He could live with a friend or in his parents house during the week and come "home" on the weekends to our West Virginia home in the mountains. O.k. I think its a great idea since it would help save LOTS of money for the dream home. Maybe even have a few yurts spread out on the acres to rent out for weekend/weekday getaways. Maybe it would pay for itself and my dairy dream goes into another direction...


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