
Monday, December 18, 2006

Feels like Spring spirit & the goat soap opera

Picture of the bluebird egg Panda & I found this last spring. It feels like Spring out here and I do believe the tree's are being fooled too. I see buds! Wanna see more pictures of bluebird eggs and their life? Here is a link to a flickr slideshow . Beautiful pictures showing the daily new egg and then the hatching all the way up to the second brood! Go check it out and get that Springy feeling...
~Goat update~I dewormed the girls with safeguard on Saturday. Chia was getting rather fat and something just told me to do a fecal on her. Well she seemed to have an overload. I do not know why or what caused it. They had been dewormed weeks before going to the breeder and I thought they would be fine until after the new year. Since giving her the medicine, she has slimmed considerably in her girth. I thought worms made 'ya lose weight not gain it. But she has had the opposite happen. Gain girth with worms lose the girth as she loses the worms. Looking back at when she first came to us, I realize Lady Chia has even longer long hair now (a winter coat) and is Fat( winter insulation plus growing young ones). She is due to kid around March 15th.
Now onto Cleo. Here it is the last half of December. So -IF- Cleo is pregnant from Buddy, she would be 4 months along at the earliest. Remember, Buddy went to auction in August. Now I have tried to keep a good record of her belly and udder region in photos. And you also must consider she is still growing herself. She will be 1 year old next month. Yes I know, many of you may be clucking tongues at her age and possible young pregnancy. Keep it to yourself please. I did say IF she was pregnant from him- not that I bred her to him! Follow along...
So back to the subject at hand- I am having strong doubts on the buddy daddy thing. Now if she was bred by Rudy,
then that would put her at only at about 2 1/2 months. The problem here is, she is "showing" in her belly growth already. Now I say the doubting of Buddy because Cleo has not had any other development to her udder region since I posted the picture here.
Confused yet? Well so am I. Who knew a goats pregnancy would be so hard on the human! The suspense is killing me. It is like watching a soap opera drama unfold. Who did Cleopatra conceive by? was it Buddy the strong country Amish buck? Or was it the regal young stud Rudy? Only time will tell and I am horrible about waiting.
Goat filled sweet dreams

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