On to Clyde.
He flew for the first time today! Well at least the first time I have seen "him" fly. Right out of the chicken pen and about 8 feet high into the air above me-not a comforting sight when you see the wingspan and those nails! Which brought my attention to Clyde's age. If the muscovy's were 2 weeks old the day I bought them from auction, then that would put my last living Muscovy at 5 months of age. So how do I know if Clyde is really a Clyde and not a Bonnie? Looking back at pictures, Clyde was the bigger duck but that method is not 100%. I have searched for more information on their red knobby head masks they acquire as they mature. When will Clyde be full grown? WHen will the knobby mask be at its full or half way point? Clyde hisses. No quacks. Clyde is loving. He follows me around and eats from our hands- never mistaking a finger for a worm.
But how long will that last before I know a drake or a hen? I have heard of the drake mating behavior when they have no hens around and turn towards chickens and humans. Not looking forward to it. I would like to know Clydes sex so I can give him a harem or acquire another buddy for "her". Any hats ya' wanna throw in the ring? For your further inspection, the above 2 photos are frm this very afternoon.
Now onto little Cleo. I do believe I know the ending to the goat soap opera. Are you ready?drum roll please...........
~ If it was Buddy, at the latest , the due date would be in 2 weeks. Now does this look like a goat due in 2 weeks?~
Looks like Rudy is going to be a daddy! Somehow the 2 girls have slimmed down on their sides! Maybe they were bloated for awhile due to a food change? Maybe it is from deworming them a few weeks back. They have been able to free range due to all the mild weather so lots of excercise and walks had by all. I have cut back on the pen size ALOT for the winter. I want to keep them close to their cabin and in my site from the house.Babies due within the first 2 weeks of March 2007! The only spot unseen is the chicken coop roof which now serves as their play ramp and leads to a small section on the opposite side of the goat home.The chickens now use just the arched roof as their coop and have a new run (pen) which blocks the goats entry to the coop and blocks the chickens entry to the goat cabin. I gave away 5 chickens ans now am down to 5-my 2 oldest hens, 2 roos captain feather and turken, plus the 1 young turken hen. Daisy and root beer shake have found a new home too-the same as the chickens.
Oh, I almost forgot! Guess who got a camera for holiday?
Yep- the pictures you will be seeing from now on are from an Olympus FE-170!
I have yet to get the crisp great pictures with 6 mp, but I have only had it since the 24th. I love the quality so far, but the time lapse between pictures SUCKS!
I will not look the gift horse in the mouth...
sweet dreams,
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