

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Back yard zip line

I have been on a break from my blog due to a lack of ideas. All I could think of was depressing and complain filled. So after some thrift store hopping and being child free for an entire afternoon, I am back.
If you have not realized it yet- We are an unusual family and an unusual couple.
We like adventure and even more so when we have "thrown a few back". The Captain has always mentioned his desire to have a zip line and how perfect to have one coming down our hill. Other ideas were thrown around and the 2 major ones to stay are #1. a 150-250 ft cable zip line coming from the Magick tree where a step up platform will be made. No handles to hold- we are thinking a sit on style for us lazy.. I mean older people.The cable will go down the hill to the cottonwood next to the street. It may be more footage then I mentioned & my estimate may need to be revised after the season thaw. #2. a permenate stone bonfire pit complete with comfortable benchs made from those pine trees we have laying in the yard (scroll to bottom of link for pic). individual Arm rests, slightly recline back and foot stool bench to compliment the cup holders in the arms- think cylinder cut deep & wide enough for a can or bottle as would one be in the car. This of course is on top of all the landscaping I must do too. But at the days end we can hang out on the platform flyin' a farmchick pirate flag, throw a few back and fight the kids for a turn down the zip line. Life would be complete....


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