
Monday, March 19, 2007

Day 154- Chia

If Chia has successfully been bred, then today would be the 154th day of gestation. (Gestation can range from 149 days to as late as 159 days according to numerous site checks). Yesterday I found clear stringy mucous on her back end which puzzled me. I thought- it is either a heat sign- which I have not noticed one since coming back from the breeder- or- this is from the mucous plug. The mucous plug can be lost as early as 3-4 weeks before birth or as late as labor. There is no noticeable change in her udder and feeling for "pin bones" loosening has not been successful. I have read that does can fill up their udder as late as 6 hours before giving birth and in some occasions not until just after. Another sign being her stomach. The left side is their rumen and the right side is where the kids would be. She sticks out more on the right but it is not a big noticeable change. Maybe its just her winter weight gain?! So are you confused yet? I sure am.
I have no idea what to make of it. Now another bit of information i have read is that they go "in season" between late summer/early Fall until early winter. Is this wrong? Spring is a few days away, so why is this happening? I will most definitely feel silly if I am getting all this hyped over a heat cycle. Silly human....
Lucky dreams,

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