
Friday, September 21, 2007

another wagon,tractor boy,and moon flowers success!

This wagon was given to the kids from our neighbor who lives behind us. Tractor Boy's dad. (I really love that neighbor. Gonna miss them when were gone.)I have begun scrubbing rust off with a wire bristle brush and stripping paint with a citrus stripper. It is really looking good now. We are going to spray it all black then put strips of tape in lines to make a pattern and the word "BYE" in cursive on the back tail end with cut out tape. Next, spray over all of it with a pretty "spa blue" by Rust Oleum with a top coating of clear finish. This will give it a diagonal pattern like a simple plaid . We will be taking this wagon with us when we do our Mother~Daughter trip to the Country Living Fair the weekend of the 28th. We will also finish one of our wire market baskets in the same blue to sit in the wagon and hold our produce we plan to purchase. A bag in the same material as Panda's apron is also in the works.
This wagon was Tractor boy's when he was little. He is not so little anymore and is old enough to drive his dad around. He was just a little older then Panda is now when we moved in here. He has shot up taller then me and I recently noticed stubble on his chin. So of course I picked on him about it....I Love that kid. Lil Man is a regular at their house. Of course it always involves a few rides on this:

And Tractor boy never complains. He enjoys riding the kids around. I look at it as a "big brother" for Lil' Man who lives in a house full of females. At least he is learning how to drive all those tractors. Tractor boy's dad has taught my son well on the no longer used lawn tractors. Of course now they have added a bigger, bulkier, and better tractor from 1950 something. He prefers it over the one above and they even got a cultivator with it this time for digging up dirt hills around the garage. Hmmm. I may just get those garlic bulbs planted after all... (singing.....) Oh tractor boy.......
I was becoming very upset over our moon flowers. They had yet to bloom, that is till yesterday morning!I was so excited. Lil' man was the one who informed daddy "mommy has to plant these, so put them in the cart daddy". I have never seen them in the store before and have no idea how Lil Man even knew I had been searching all the local nurseries and seed supplies for them. But I finally got some seeds thanks to my baby boy. This is the only vine out of the 5 seeds planted which has flowered. The others show no sign of doing so. Of course the bloom was accidentally plucked leaving its predecessors up to the job of providing more seeds. A few more look like they will fill its shoes soon and if this weather holds out for a few more weeks, i may get my wish.
Sweet dreams,

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