
Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Mosquito clouds, Poultry run and ramblings

We have been hidden away in the house. Not to dare step out in the fear of more red itchy bumps will appear just from walking to the car. It has become a big problem all over the area and the township has yet to spray. They were suppose to last Thursday. We slept with windows open that night and I am a very light sleeper. Its so bad that I can hear when the kid next door tries to sneak in & out of his house. My kids will be very disappointed with my great stealth like skill. No one escapes my watch. But just in case ~we are looking for a new gun. You know. Just to clean as the boys come to visit...
We have bathed in Deep woods off just to get the animals fed and pens raked and get the mail. All in one trip of course, just to avoid opening the door in fear of those blood thirsty beasts getting in.
Last weekend we picked up some plastic garden netting to cover the inside of the poultry run. Those ducks hover on the walk way next to the back door and the Delaware hens like to eerily sit in a row on the table . Staring in the door like crows on a fence. Creeps the Captain out.
So problem solved. They have a section of the goat cabin where the only way in or out is the small hinge door inside their newly un-escapable run. Or so we thought....notice muscovy "teen" ducks on the WRONG side of the fence and it took 3 shots trying not to move despite the mosquito's on my wrist...

Just how are these guys getting out? They do not have their flight feathers yet and every corner, crevice, and back has been inspected. Tomorrow I will sit in the mud room as the sun rises, coffee clutched in hand waiting for those pesky ducks to make their move. I'll catch em in the act and then destroy their secret club! That will teach them. Or at least relieve some of my pent up aggression...
Just 1 more month before the 1st batch go to camp. Relief I so seek from all the nasty poo and teenage escapes.
It is hard to enjoy the end of summer in the house. Gas has gone up to $3.09 a gallon. Even trips to the park are not possible. So here we are. Stuck in the house while the sun is shining and teasing us through the window. Boredom, snappiness, aggression. Yep its all here in the Unusual farmchick's house. And its not just from the kids.
This is from one of the Turken eggs Bonnie hatched out last June.

Not sure if it is a He or She yet. Not sure if it is pure Turken or if it is half Captain feather sword- he is half silkie/half Japanese bantam. I am really leaning towards it being his. Notice the white grey feathers without webbing just under the wing tip? This would make this bird only 1/4 silkie 1/4 Japanese bantam and 1/2 turken. Not sure about the other one but it does not show the un webbed feathers. At least not yet. Not very smart bird by the way. But of course Mrs. Turken is not the sharpest in the shed by any means.
So until the vampires are gone and gas prices lighten up, there will not be much going on here. Well, I take that back. We are planning a trip to pick apples this weekend. Gala's are in! Love those in our apple pies. And I need to make more blueberry applesauce for panda's lunches.
I think i will try freezing slices for winter baking this year. Or should i just freeze them as ready to go pies.Just pop in the oven while we eat dinner so Dessert is ready without major effort...hmmm.
Sweet dreams,

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