

Monday, October 1, 2007

Country Living fair weekend & slideshow

We enjoyed ourselves- more so because we were together. So many great items in all the booths/tents. We went Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday they had over 6,000 people and man was it crowded. Plus, all the lower priced items (great stuff for under $20 US dollars) were for the most part gone since the Country Living Fair began on Friday. We did get to stop at The Farm chicks Tent and Panda was rather struck with their vintage wall paper necklaces ( she purchased the 7th one down in the link). I bought my pink tractor bumper stickers but they were all out of the pink Farm Chick & tractor t-shirts... I was rather disappointed. I had hoped to get both us one of those. I guess I could always order them, but it would have been more enjoyable to have purchased it there. I wanted to ask them so many questions about the starting up of their venture and gush about how much I adore their style. But of course my shy side came out and I was afraid to sound like a bumbling star struck goof. I had planned to purchase one myself but was hoping for the pink T you see them wearing on their site. I was in the hopes that if we came back Sunday, they would have more out, but they were sold out completly on the T's I wanted. And of course their tent was packed with so many women admiring their wares. (who could resist their eye catching Pastel fabric banner across the front? It pulls you in to more wonderful items and the 2 Farm Chicks themselves. Did I mention I got a bit shy? ) Be sure to check out their site for more great items and wonderful Farm Chick inspiration!
We toured the grounds and workshops of David T. Smith. Which is where I found a pottery jug I really liked. It is in the slide show- the middle orange one with the horns.
It was priced more then I could see reasonable ($165), but then again I am not coo coo for coco puffs ( meaning I'm not the kind of person to justify a purchase price just because it is made by so and so. Maybe i'm just too cheap. Maybe i'm just not into pottery enough to justify it).
I did not have hundreds of dollars to spend but we did walk away with some great finds on our small budget. We picked up 5 great vintage skeleton keys. 3 of which have hearts for the key head hole. We also purchased some great smelling candles and glass votives plus another wooden 6 pane window. It needs cleaned up like I did with the others and will be adorned with the candle votives we purchased- a whole new project with nature art.( The last one i hoped to have done was not a success. Most of the pictures came out horrible- either from cropping them for a 5X7 pic or from the 1 hour printing. More on that later)
The window cost just $5 since it was the last day & they did not want to put any back on their truck . That was the extent of our take home finds.

I did discover an artist I really enjoy.
On the second day, I fell in love with the booth of Irene Gates. Her paintings held me in a trance. An inner comfort is felt when seeing her art. They pull you in and add a sense of familiarity. There were a few I fell hard for and although I would have loved to purchase one, I could not. I did not leave with out her card and hope to soon see a website showing all of her pieces. There were so many. I could not choose just one! Here is a link to one of her paintings- and it truly does not do justice to what I saw in her booth. Do not get me wrong, Chicken girl is wonderful, but her work at the fair appeared to have more life to them in my eyes. Besides, the internet picture does not do her justice. Unfortunately, she does not have her own site as of yet,but her "store" name is Sparrow Reed Folk art and they are based out of Douglas Michigan.
She will be at the "From our hands" show on November 9 and 10th in Columbus Ohio. This link will take you to the show's site for more information.
If you get a chance to see go, be sure to seek out Irene Gates and experience her paintings.
There is so much to be done and we were only gone 2 days. I best be off to finish it all before viewing the house.
Sweet Dreams,


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