

Monday, October 15, 2007

Lake Erie road trip!

A long week with a long 4 day weekend that screamed for a road trip. Sunday was the big day for one. We met my In Laws for breakfast then all of us drove up to a local metro park for a nice 2 mile walk. Then we were off to the Bay Village area up by Cleveland/Rocky River. I use to take Panda and Lil man up to the Lake Erie nature and science center followed by a jaunt on the beach searching for sea glass. This day was an introduction for Frog to the ritual of our Lake erie trips. Of course Lil' Man has a VERY strong direction to fishing so The Captain took him out on the rock pier to try his hand at the "big water" fish. If you click on the picture below of Panda and frog combing the beach for their glass treasures, you will see Lil' Man and his daddy fishing from the end of the rock pier.

And just in case you have never found or seen Sea Glass, here is a look at some the afternoon treasures:

After just 1 1/2 hours, Frog was tired and panda had wet feet.

A great day at the beach of Lake Erie. A bit of an overcast with sunny spots but the wind was not too cold as of yet. I was surprised by how much cleaner it was since our last visit. Much less plastic bottles and litter. We did find a few spots which brought images of night time beach bonfires. Lots of drift wood that have fueled them too.
Today was my visit to the orthopedic surgeon for my arm. I have carpal tunnel and am having it operated on in mid November. Which means i have to re plan my Florida December trip to the next week of the Captains vacation. Which I plan to schedule in late March or early April. That will give my hand and arm enough time to recoup and a drive of almost 20 hours will be doable. This time I just wont tell anyone when I am coming since this is the second rescheduling of my trip.
I need to re-organize the Goat cabin before the sun goes away...
Sweet Dreams,


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