

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

7 things

Maid my own tagged me to divulge seven things you might not know about me.
So lets begin:

1.Due to the transient life my brothers and I lived with our birth parents, I was placed into the 8th grade at age 15 -when I was blessed with Foster care. That put me at 18 years old in the 10th grade. At age 18, I was on my own and high school plus a job to support myself was not going to happen. So I dropped out. When The Captain & I found out that Panda was coming into our lives, I quickly enrolled into night classes at age 23. I did the G.E.D test 1 month before she was due. I passed with high scores from just 3 months of classes.

2. I can not stand straight cut jeans. I will only wear flare and boot cut. They also have to be low rise waist due to a smaller waist and big hips. The normal or higher waist jeans leave me with a big gap in the back when I sit down- straight under roo exposure. Belts would make it look horrible since the waist would be bunched up.

3. I am addicted to coffee. average 1 pot a day. I drink it with the oh so bad for you french vanilla creamer....

4. I become very nervous around new people. Which is very odd since I was always an outgoing (and outspoken) person before having Lil' Man.

5. I love alternative/ folk/jazzy music. I switch with my moods and right now I have Jack Johnson's CD's on continuous play in my car.

6.I have had my belly button pierced twice and both times they closed up within 12 hours of having the ring out. So another Tattoo is planned instead. This time on my upper back.

7. I call my best friend in Missourri every morning at 9:45 am. We speak for a minimum of 2 hours. Rarely does a day go by that we do not call each other- weekends are optional. Phone bill? I have the flat rate fee and I do take advantage of it. What do we talk about? Our husbands say the same thing. We talk about everything. Just as we would if we were to visit each other and have coffee each morning. But that is why we are best friends. We "get" each other. we have been the best of friends for 13 years now. I only wish she lived close by.I should also add that when I am on the phone- I am a cleaner. From sweeping floors, picking up toys, making beds, etc. It's like having company while I clean up!

So I guess this is more of a 7 things of "dirt" about me. What fun would it be though if I just wrote stuff like i hate socks but only own funky ones that i wear in the winter. Or that I love the color red?
So tagging...hmmm...Well I have one to tag ~Gina at Cauldron Ridge-Tag- Your it! But will leave it open to anyone who happens upon this post, too. Just leave a comment to let us know who to visit.
Sweet dreams,


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