

Sunday, January 6, 2008

A warmer day to chase the winter blues

I am not complaining about the nice 50 (F) degree weather- not at all. We had chores to do and appreciated the lighter wear to do it in. The Captain had wood to chop (remember those big pine tree piles?- scroll to post bottom for the pics of both piles) and I had to clean out the goat cabin. Cleaning out the goat cabin meant multiple times of pulling soiled bedding UP the hill in a not so great wheel barrow and spreading it out on top of the big garden bed. Very tiring when the extent of my exercise this time of year is carrying groceries up the steps once a week.( Just beyond the wooden bench to the left, is where the Plum trees will be going. The Peach trees will be going to the right, straight back from the green chair.)
All the beasties were let free to roam the yard and scratch through the old bedding being laid in the garden. That would be Dr. Seuss in my arms. She kept getting in the way of my rake- I believe she thought I was digging up worms for her, so she kept following it. She is 5 years old this month and still lays better then a 2 year layer. So if there had been worms, I would have willingly let her interrupt my raking.
The kids were helping me get the rocks up and into the white bucket but soon left that great fun to wander over to the wood chopping. Apparently that was more interesting then what I had to offer ....( I don't blame them.) While up there, I realized the recently enlarged garden is just not big enough. Nope. Gotta extend it more ( 8-10 feet) on the left side towards the ancient apple tree, just beyond the pine pile. Looking at my hand drawn diagram and devouring all the seed catalogs coming in, I want to go "extreme" this Summer. That means... `Hey Tractor boooy'....
The pile of pine is dwindling down despite being mixed in with hardwoods for the wood burner fuel. Now that was a big pile of pine! The Captain has been chopping away at it and mixing it in with the load of firewood from a month back. We are not using it everyday, only when the weather is below 40 F degrees.
Grizzle was out with us on Chia's line. Do not let her fool you in this picture. She was being more playful/mischievous then she is letting on.
And eating leaves apparently was on her list of must try's while outside today with her family.Chia was not left out of the party. Well, actually it appears she was throwing one herself...She discovered the bird feeder and invited her little gang to help with the clean up. It was quickly put out of reach and a mental note was made "remove feeder before letting anyone out".
Speaking of Chia, I have not confirmed the plans as of yet but sometime this week Chia will be going for a visit to Roseanna's. Her Beau William has some free time and is open to a visit- hopefully for awhile. She has been howling with heat cycles this winter. I have no idea what happened but she is actually on a schedule for once! I have it recorded for 3 cycles so I know it is in sync with her other signs. I am not going to say wish me luck or crossing fingers. Nope. I am just not going to set my heart on it this time. If it happens, then it happens. (And it better happen, ya hear me Chi Chi?!!) But seriously, she needs to pull her weight around here a little more. She has become a very expensive pet.
And so begins the finger twiddling and tapping toes waiting....
Sweet dreams,


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