

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Half seeds , a chick cancel, and possible homesteader library group

I received my seed order from Bountiful gardens, the other day. It is killing me to just let them sit in that manila envelope. I can hear them calling out "plant us now Tammie!". I dare not this early and then have plants over crowding each other, fighting for sun in the big east window. I must wait. Fight the urge and give it one more week. Thats all. Just one more week. Then I can bury these little gems, waiting for the first sign of sprouts to help ease my need for Spring.
Now that half of my seed order has arrived, i knew it was time to find out what is going on at the Meyer's hatchery- with my order. A long pathetic story put short- Due to bad customer service and other bad methods, I have canceled our order with them. Last year should have been my lesson after having to return TWICE to have their mess up corrected. I wanted silkies due to the broodiness. The turkeys had birth defects.And they had a big wait on meat birds. Well, both silkies turned out to be roosters,both turkeys died, and the meat birds were so small at 12 weeks of age, they were the same size as the other regular chicks bought the same day. ARGH!
So my recommendation, take it or leave, DO NOT BUY FROM MEYERS HATCHERY!
We are going with Murray Mcmurray instead and will stick with them in the future. I am leaning towards Delawares, Americaunas, Speckled sussex(1 hen for broodiness) Light brahma (1 hen for broodiness), 2 silver polish hens and 14 meat cornish cross birds.
This way, by 12 weeks of age, we will have the meat birds to get processed by the end of May and all will be outside by mid april- weather will not be so cold then. Unfortunately, the eggs will not come for another 2 1/2 months- being August!
Thanks again freaking Meyers hatchery. I should have just went with Mcmurray in the beginning. I could be posting baby chick pics here instead of whining about it....
Oh! I almost forgot to share- I have contacted 2 local libraries about possibly hosting a community group night-speakers- etc.. for self sustainability i.e backyard chickens, all areas of food gardening, winter storing of its bounty, composting & worm bins, Eco methods that can be incorporated on a low budget, swapping seeds, bartering amongst like minded others, plus so much more. Basically meeting other people who are "into" this stuff. Maybe help take away this loneliness I have. Would be nice to meet some other people around here who would not think of me as the strange lady who spends the day knee deep in the garden plus keeps goats and chickens on our plot....
Theres wood to be chopped and stacked. Tomorrow will be in the teens so gotta get rest of it done.
Sweet dreams,


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