

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Hatchery order, Chia update, and Recycle feed bag dilemma

I have our chicks ordered from The Meyer Hatchery. We have 11 total, with 1 being a rooster. What are we getting this time around?
3 Salmon Faverolle hens
1 Salmon Faverolle Rooster
3 Dominique hens
2 Cuckoo Maran hens
2 Americauna hens
They should be in with the first hatching later this month. Their computers are being switched over and had to take my order by hand... Hope it does not get lost in the pile.
This will give a nice rainbow of egg colors and beauty to our backyard barnyard. All of the turkens have gone to a new home along with the 3 left over muscovy ducklings and the white silkie rooster. All that is left out there is Bonnie and Clyde- our Muscovy mating pair, Fletcher and Dr. Suess- our 5 yr old "lifers", the 2 bantam cochin hens- one being the frizzle, and of course our old silkie mix roo- Captain feather sword.
So that's 18 poultry in the pen with a HOPEFULLY pregnant Chia.
I got word from Roseanna that Chia was bred over a week ago. We decided to let her stay through to another cycle just to make sure she took to the breeding. She should be back home by the end of the month. Her due date would be June 23, 2008. Dare I hope for fresh goats milk in the Fall?
I am in a dilemma on how to recycle a very cool woven plastic feed bag. Our locally owned feed store changed bags to this:I love the hen picture on the front and would like to make it into a tote grocery bag. I am trying to figure out the right way to do the handles for big strength. I would hate for it to rip. Any suggestions how to sew this up with seam/handle strength in mind? Any sites you can recommend that are not for recycling the thin plastic grocery store bags?
How cool would it be to have a set of those to do the shopping with?
Sunny dreams,


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