

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

In honor of the Lunar Eclipse: Goddess project

Panda has been so excited to see the Lunar eclipse- and I have thought the 20th was for 3 days now... But TODAY is the 20th and the Eclipse is tonight. We decided to honor the evening with a tribute to Mother Goddess. I acquired some "raw" stoneware pottery clay recently which Panda has been begging to get her hands on. So we made statues of Mother Goddess to put on our personal Nature shelf. She has a great shelf window above her bed which she uses as hers and I have one in my room which will be adorned with mine. This is our first time playing with real clay and it was so much fun to play with. I had-you guessed it- Jack Johnson's CD "In between dreams" playing in the background and we worked our earth.
Panda's Goddess statue:
She placed a shimmery white stone with a small clay band for a forehead crown. A bowl is for placing her nature treasures, such as special stones, feathers, leaves, etc. she finds. She was so cute and asked "Can I put breasts on mine too ,Mommy?" I said whats a Mother Goddess statue without them? That seemed to make her happy.
I started mine while she was at school, and did not finish until well after she was done with hers.
i wanted something nice like what I have admired online. Something that I can place a candle in or herbs & found treasures from nature. Although this is my first turn with clay, I like the results. Click on the picture and it will enlarge for you to see all the extra details I put into it.
Enjoy the Eclipse!
Sweet dreams,



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