

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Bread, more stone deals & outdoor play

I was going to hold off on sharing this book, but after my success I could not hold back any longer. I picked up Leslie Mackie's Macrina Bakery & Cafe cookbook~ favorite breads, pastries, sweets & savories the other day. My success in making the best Rustic Italian loaves was exclaimed by the whole family. It is made with a traditional Biga Starter, which was incredibly easy and nothing like the breads I have bought before. WAY BETTER! Check out the Macrina Bakery & cafe website~ very interesting information.
I made the 3 ingredient starter 2 1/2 days ago then began the bread making process last night. This morning we were rewarded with our home filling with a pleasurable aroma of fresh bread. The starter is enough for at least 3 loaves and one was quickly gone, hot from the oven. I have never been very successful with homemade bread. it always comes out a bit dense. The crust being too crunchy/hard. Not with this recipe. She walks you through the simple steps which you bring you to a very happy ending. A must try for anyone who has been disappointed in the past with bread making. This book with such an array of recipes to choose from will spark that baking light right back into your life.
In her first recipe of breads, she has a Natural Sour starter, which impressed my unexperienced self. Instead of the granular/powder yeast, she uses ORGANIC GRAPES!How freaking cool is that? Don't laugh, I honestly had no idea it was possible.
About this starter she writes:
"Don't be intimated by the time involved in creating a natural sour starter. It may be a two week commitment in the beginning, but you will need to contribute only a few minutes every day. Nature does most of the work,and the results are worth the wait. Once you have a starter you are able to use, you can bake with it for years or even decades to come."
She lists 2 other organic grape starters (mild whole wheat starter & Campagne Natural starter) for more variations.
This book not only shares bread recipes, but Sweet breads (muffins, scones, etc),cakes, pies, tarts,cookies, soups and other meal favorites of the Macrina Bakery & cafe. There is so much to explore on these pages. Be sure to check at your local library for a copy to borrow. you will be hooked and quickly order a copy for yourself.
So before you make a mad dash to the local library (Sorry Beth, I have the Kent library copy ;)...) I wanted to share another outstanding find. I ran out to the Lowe's in green ohio to pick up some paint for the living room and could not help but check out the garden center's paver stones. I had another disbelief moment. I mean a BIG one. I picked up 33 of these:For just 12 cents- you read that right! 12 red cents EACH!Cheaper then a gallon gas! (They were a normal price of 58 cents, then reduced to 20 cents. At the register i discovered they were dropped down even more to the 12 cents.)Not my normal style, but at that price, I do not mind. Enough to use for edging where the children's magic tree play area and the garden meet. A visual reminder to the children that they are to only cross through on the paths and not step over the edging.
They measure out a foot long and about 4 or 5 inches high. I have not measured the height. They are of the same material used in the leaf stepping stones. A plaster/resin substance. What one would find birdbaths made of- the non cement stuff.
The sunny weather may have us wearing jackets, but it has allowed us to enjoy being outside. Chia has been brushed everyday. The swing tree has enjoyed her children climbing amongst her trunk and swinging from her graceful arm. The chickens have been chased and cuddled with, to the extent they no longer give a fight or cluck...

The frizzle has become Frogs eye of admiration. Since the sun has permitted such long hours of outdoor play, this poor girl is carried around in Frog's arm and has even resorted to closing her eyes, falling asleep for a few minutes. That is until Frog decides to run again. Bouncing the frizzle in her arms with each toddler step. She does not protest, actually, that chicken never did mind being held. She is much more cuddly then one would expect.
We are getting 3 eggs a day now- 2 obviously from Frizzle and Banty (the red bantam cochins) and the light blue is from Dr. Seuss.
I have walls to wash down & Wall trimming to paint white. The living room walls will be a green picked out by Panda (have I mentioned how she is so into frogs right now? geesh). It is by Olympic and the green color is called Sweet annies (click on the 3 for the scene rooms).
I am so excited to have the living room done. It has taken a few years, but that is what i get when having 3 young children around. (and paint foot prints on the wood floor, pencil scribbles on the wall, and crayon pictures doodled in low out of adult sight places.)
Sweet dreams,


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