

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Franken'chick,Elvis, Big girl bed for Grizzle soon

One of the meat birds has turned freaky....I noticed the swelling this morning when The Captain was helping me relocate these stinky buggers to the basement garage. They also got some bigger housing, as in the A frame chicken tractor I built last year. Twice as much room for the 14 that have survived this far (as of 4 weeks of age).
The other chicks are doing great in their brooder. They will not be evicted from the mudroom since their stench does not start for at least 3 days. I change out the bedding every 2-3 days with them where the meat birds are an every other day event. They, for the most part seem drastically cleaner then the broilers.
Thought I would share a pic caption the Captain made up to send to one of the people he speaks with through work(city people who do not realize the variety in chickens or that there is a chicken who lays an egg color other then brown or white).
Yep. She has been named Elvis! I am so in love with this batch of chicks. They all, for the most part, have a stand out personality. Little Elvis here is the smallest chick in the batch but no one picks on her. They all get along real well. No separation like I have seen in other batches of mixed chicks. The Americaunas are becoming a bit flighty. The Mystery chick, which is the biggest chick now, has become the wing leader. I had to clip his feathers...
Grizzle LOVES to visit with the chicks. She has this thing for licking their bottoms..Gross me out and she gets a stern "no". I think she has become addicted to the feed she can lick off the floor, where they kick it out the sides. Another stern "not for Grizzle" moment. But she still will follow me in and lay down next to them.
Grizzle has outgrown her bed...She has become my little baby. Her intelligence is what has surprised me the most. An amazing knack for understanding and routines. If I bring out the shop vac to vacuum the rugs, she walks right up to me and stares me in the eye. The first time, I thought she was just curious about it. Then I proceeded to vacum the loose hair off her back. She stood still and let me know when she was done by walking away a few minutes later. Now every time I have it out she comes over for her vac treatment, walks up face to face with me and stares into my eyes... She waits for me to finish making the bed when I ask for her to get down while I make the bed- not just putting sheets on- she will wait till I have the blanket on and fluffed pillows before she jumps back up.
She just "gets it". Amazing. I have opened my heart to her and she has rewarded my patience and love with hers.
I could go on and on about the surprises she has given me (such as asking for me to share my trail mix with her by staring at me then my hand then snorts at me and how she is picky about dog treats). I just LOVE her so immensely.I thought Chia was the smartest but she has a rival on that level now. Which I thought I would share that i have shared her May Day pic from last year over here at Gaia's Garden
in their Non Human Companion's gallery. Check it out! She is the only goat at that!


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