

Friday, April 25, 2008

Pond tenants, another freaky amphibian, wild onions

We have new tenants in the pond:
We have transported a few frogs from our ditch drain pipe. I believe where they have been living, has been effecting their spawn:This little guy croaked a bunch at us, along with jumping all over the place. Panda really loves her frogs. I snuck up on her today telling them stories...
A lot of people on the road have their grey water draining into the open top street ditch.
So far, we have counted 8 females and 5 males. There is 1 pair that have stayed in the pond all week. We relocated more today, kinda showing them where the pond is and if they want to stay- great! If not, well they can go as they please..
I have finally identified this wild edible plant from our yard:
On Foraging with wild man, he has pictures showing these as small and then when they get BIG.
I am so very giddy over discovering their potential. They have earned their own garden spot, by the old apple tree. I have been scouring the yard for the clumps of wild onions-aka field garlic.I dig the thick tight clumps, gently brush off the dried on dirt chunks. then seperate them, form a mini trench. Then plant them in the soil, spaced more then the above picture. The above clump was a half of that just last year. They multiply quickly and are great on top of pizza. (Which, by the way, I am making tonight.) These have a scent of garlic chives. when we mow the lawn, the air is filled with their scent. I LOVE that when it happens. This will be the year i try to dehydrate some for winter use.
We are up to 4 eggs a day. 1 being from sweet Bonnie, our Muscovy. Bonnie & Dr. Seuss have taken to laying theirs in the loft... Which means crawling around on hand and knees through alfalfa hay for 2 silly eggs. Thanks Ladies. I guess they enjoy making me work for those eggs.
Sweet Dreams,


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