

Saturday, May 10, 2008

All hail the Queen!

Our Bee man arrived earlier this week with our "Foster" bee's. It was so exciting to see so many bee's up close and personal. All that buzzing rhythm they make is rather soothing. They cooperated enough for me to see a drone and a worker bee up close and personal. Amazing! Then it was time to cork the Queen cage with a mini marshmallow. It had a cork in place to prevent the queen from being released until the hive is ready. Once the bee cage is set in the top hive, It is ready to initiate the introduction ritual of the Queen. By placing the marshmallow in place of the cork, this allows the bee's to become familiar with the queen as they eat away at it and accept her as their own.
Introducing the Queen Bee of our little Homestead:
All has gone very well with the hive. The rain has kept me away from our Magical Hill that houses the gardens and bee hive, along with this bum foot. But in the mean time, I am stripping the wax from the old frames and dreaming of the candles, lip balm and salves we will make with all the wax.
This frame was rather interesting to the children and they begged for me not to strip away the wax and let them hang it up in their room. They're so goofy. So I let them take a picture instead.

I spent yesterday at Tuesday's house, helping what little I could in her garden beds.( remember- bad foot- dropped bee hive.. badly bruised...) A shared friend "K", who I have yet to come up with a name for, Came by and became our main accomplice. We brought our seed box's for each other to look through and share seeds. We swapped plants and overall had such an enjoyable day, I was sad to see it end.
I brought home some massive Lovage, peppermint, tulips (I think...), and a few rose cuttings from my grandmother's rose bushes. I am starting them to later plant at her grave.
I was so excited that K had a soup/drying bean called yellow Indian woman bush bean. I was fortunate to get a share of seed to grow in our garden this year. It is so exciting for me to have K to speak with about heirloom seeds. She is interested in the old ways as I am, which makes for some fun conversations.
I have 3 goofy gals sitting in 1 nest box trying to go broody..I will try to evict the extra sitters and ensure me more then 1 egg a day... What a site. Best news of all is that Fernie and Chia are getting along better then I ever expected. Now, if you have been reading long, you would know Chia thinks she is the Prima donna. But I have a feeling being the only goat for 6 months and having just chickens as your friends have changed the attitude. They even eat from the same container with no gang wars! I am shocked, yet so very happy she has become friends.
Best of luck~there are 5 days left until the contest will end.
Sweetest dreams,


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