

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mid week babbling and pictures

The front pathway bricks are done. After digging up all the bricks, using the old ones plus old paver bricks given to me by a friend, it looks as though it has been there forever. I worked on this for 2 days. Using landscape cloth in the trench, laying the bricks in place and filling the in betweens with all purpose sand. Ones with creeping thyme were filled with organic potting soil.

I found creeping thyme on the clearance cart for 50 cents each, which made this project total cost :
sand $25- creeping thyme $4- Bricks free- my time? 2 days spent enjoying the sunshine, getting dirty. Covered in sweat. My kind of fun.
Although the front garden bed looks disarrayed, it will fill out with growth in the next year. Everything except the irises are transplanted from our old house or have been purchased recently.

Black hollyhocks will bloom next year along with the roses, lavendula, peonies, yarrow, mint, purple irises, plus the foxglove, delphinium, larkspur & other flowers I grabbed seed for. I am filling the rest in with culinary herbs such as rosemary, oregano and thyme. I am contemplating that next spring I may plant a few pickling cucumber on a wide trellis, in front of the big window.
As for the edibles garden, it is bursting with life:

Can you spot the cucumbers in the one above?
Momma rabbit had 3 kits left. Her record for litter mortality rate was not pleasing. She has been sent to market.
I went to Mt. Hope's livestock auction where I picked up a New Zealand white doe and young buck. There were 2 NZW's in one cage which turned out both are bucks. I happened to also bid on the wrong buck before bidding on the other 2. I ended up with a chocolate rex instead of the white buck beneath him. Oh Well. The extra bucks will be going to freezer camp in the next few days.
We have added 2 new hens to the chicken run. Eggs do not seem to be a priority with my bunch. I have tried the begging. The bribing. The Yelling and threatening. They could care less. A few are still young yet. I'll give em a while to come to their senses.
I have pears to harvest before the rain, which are 40 ft or more above ground. The biggest and most beautiful are always out of reach. I have around 50 pears in the basement ripening. These bigger ones I have great plans for which will be shared here next month.
By the way, My camera situation has been fixed! Can not wait until the next destination! But I must not spoil the fun. You will just have to stay tuned for our upcoming new episode.
Sweet Dreams,


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