

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Amazing Blog!!! Milas Daydreams

I had to share this because it is the sweetest thing ever.  It is from a woman in Helsinki who started taking photos of her daughter as she sleeps.   It is called Milas daydreams and the tag line is lovely, It says I'd like to see into your dreams. My little girl.  I love it.  I love how creative and in love with her little on she is.  On her blog which you must check out at:

She has many many more photos that she updates almost daily.  They are incredible and fantastic and very very creative.  She is on maternity leave and began as a hobby taking photos of her napping baby. Here are a few.  Please go to her blog and look at the rest, you will fall in love!!!

Here is a magnificent video, Mila's mother took the photos and her father composed the music.


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