

Friday, October 15, 2010

While away, The parents will play...

During our trip to Ft. Worth Texas, I decide to make "video postcards" for our children. These are not for the Homesteading video series. Just something for the entertainment of our children. Published here so they can view it while we are away. Making one for every day or two we are away from them. Frog is only 4 so obviously a video is much more fun for her then an email with pictures as well as our older 2 who are 7 & 11 yrs old.
Posting the video here, makes it easier for them to come back & view as often as they like.

The weather has been perfect & now I must tend to wedding events such as the Friday Bridesmaid Luncheon. I am soooo going to enjoy the 1 hour massage at the spa. I at least shaved as promised to my lil Brother & his bride. After all, I barely have much insulation for winter so come Fall, these legs see a razor even less then they do in the summer. :) The Captain is used to my lack of leg shaving. He also realizes shaving my legs takes much too long when a toddler is pounding on the door screaming "I need a shower too!" so my time is short.
Wonder what the ladies will think when they see these hands during the manicure.... At least I'm not getting a pedicure. As The captain always like to say "The bottoms of your feet stay dirty & rough all year long. When are you going to start wearing shoes?"....Ummm only when it's cold outside.
Wow. This really sounds bad to share my lack of leg shaving & barefoot habits. Ah well. I can at least admit it & laugh. 20 years ago I would have been horrified but as a mom & wife, we all know some things change.

Sweet Dreams,
Tammie (Mommy)


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