There comes a time when you realize that your favorite pair of work gloves will not make it through one more season. I came to that realization today as we continued clearing the fence line of our property. Between rose/blackberry thorns ripping my clothes, piercing my fingers & leaving marks of dotted red lines on bare flesh, I tried one last effort to save my Pallina's for at least this one last Fall season.
Duct tape was helpful but not the solution. I still felt the sharp pricks and more thinning of leather in my palms. I so do love these gloves. Never before have I found a pair to fit just right & last more then one season. Maybe Santa Baby will bring me a new pair ( as well as that new Nikon D90 Or canon Rebel SLR I have been hinting heavily about). What?! I'm not asking for shiny baubles. Just 2 items that would be put to use every day.
The property line on the East South side has a livestock fence in need of clearing. The fence is surprisingly in good shape. Overgrown brambles & trees have made a horrible mess of the area.
In the below picture, you will only see 1/3 of what I have cleared up.
It was nice to have some help with it today. Between my little brother & his wife plus The Captain helping out, my goal to get halfway through this particular line of fence was accomplished.
I have been playing with the chain saw for 2 days straight. Between a few trees at the old house cut up for firewood, the downed limbs from previous storms here at the Stone Cottage plus a few trees which were badly overgrown. The only way to save the trees around the few bad ones, is to cut the bad down.
We now have 8 pallets full of firewood, stacked 4 1/2 feet high. I still have more to cut up. May end up selling a few cords of wood if I can do it right. Being that cords of seasoned hard wood around here sell about $185 give or take $20. It would help buy that camera I so heavily drop hints for at The Captain. hmm....
Did I forget to share what happened a few weeks back with the chimney sweep? Hmmm. I do believe I did. Well, The guy comes out with his son while Panda & I are away, no one else home.When we do come back home, we discover 2 fire trucks in our front yard, an ambulance in our drive way plus people all over the place. The chimney sweep guy was on the roof not even 5 minutes before he misstepped due to a ladder failure & fell- right down into the crevice between the chimney & roof- It had taken our township fire department 45 minutes from the time they arrived to when they finally had him on the ground:
He had surgery on his ankle last week & wants to be back on our roof mid November. Just happy that he is O.k and all will be well.
In the mean time, we are having fireplace envy due to the Autumn wind carrying the enchanting scent of cold weather fires our way. It's like placing candy on the table, telling a child you can look but not experience the joy of having it. THAT is the painful envy we have. Between the stacked firewood out back to the beautiful Fireplace blatantly staring back at us in the living room. The first fire will make for a rapturous event.
We break ground for the Grape arbor on Monday. I have 7ft tall Locust fence posts to pick up in 1 week (after the coming rain which appears to stick around for most of it). The 30x60 chicken food garden to till up for next Spring's planting & all the other Fall chores to get in before the cold snaps back.
Sweet Dreams,
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