
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Furniture Design: From Pallet To Paper

Finally I feel as though we have got somewhere. Yay!

I was unable to get into the workshop during much of the bad weather, but alas - my group battled on. By Friday we were in a good position workshop wise, and I am continuing with putting together our InDesign presentation sheets at home. Below is our first few pages to give an idea of the style we are going for. 

We have been given a short extension from Friday 10th December to Monday 13th December, with presentations taking place on the 14th. This is all very well in terms of letting us have the weekend to complete tasks out with the workshop, but it's the crucial workshop time a lot of groups have lost out on, which will not be able to be re-accounted for during the extension. We, however, are going to do our best to be completed for the original target. 

initial research page, including text explaining our findings
further research into what can be done with pallets
early development, including our original communal seating area,
and the possibility of incorporating plants
break down of the pallets, explaining how we altered the original cuts

AutoCad drawings illustrating our design 

I'm currently in the process making the development sheets, including our sketch work, photoshop work, development photos and sketchup images. From there I shall create the plans sheet, and finally; final outcome sheet(s). 

We aim to document the build via a continuous shoot of still images, thus producing a stop motion performance as the final piece, however the preparation is where the hard work is. Amidst trying to clean up the pallets in their final form, and document every process for presenting it feels as though we should be nearly finished. The hard graft may be, but the final piece is far from over.

8 days to go. 

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